The Fight

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(angst alert. It's not too bad, but Zak sheds two tears so it's fine)

I opened my eyes as a human again and expected to see a stranger standing in front of me. Instead, there was a cat still sitting on the ground. She was looking at me in concern, and I stared back with equal emotion.

"It was supposed to work," I whispered to myself. "That should have been the antidote. The cure. The-the solution."

I sat down on the floor and Violet leaned her forehead on my outstretched hand. I was petting her softly when her ears perked and she turned around. I followed her gaze to see Darryl leaning on the doorframe, pure confusion written on his face.

"What did you do?" I asked accusingly, eyeing him in suspicion.

Darryl's face went to anger at this. "Me? Why do you think I had anything to do with this?" He yelled.

I glared at him. "I could tell from the moment we walked in here that you don't like Violet. I don't know why, but you get this angry look on your face when she walks into the room. You get mad at me for making my own decisions. What is your problem?" I stood up and took a step towards him, arms open wide.

"Why do you care so much? Why do you despise Violet so much?" Anger was building inside me for some reason. I needed somewhere to put it but my mind was fuzzy through the sorrow, anger and confusion of the moment.

I crumpled to the ground, clutching my head and shaking it softly. I saw Darryl's shadow make a move towards me but I just pointed towards the door with a shaky hand.

"Get out," I whispered.

I heard him sigh with an emotion I couldn't quite place. I heard him walk out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I heard Violet purr softly in reassurance, feeling her settle down in my lap.

I felt her soft fur as I pet her head. I felt the carpet beneath my feet, assuring me that I was still here and awake. I felt the tear as it ran down my face.

I tasted nothing but nonexistent salt as my tongue moved around subconsciously in my mouth. I did this often when I was thinking hard.

I don't know how long I was sitting there, but I eventually smelled some muffins being made.

I tried to occupy myself in other thoughts, but they all came back to the interaction between me and Darryl. Another tear fell down my face and I just clutched my head harder, hanging it lower.

I'm putting someone I met four days ago before a friend I've known for two years. I sighed softly in disappointment and sorrow at my own actions. What's wrong with me?

It felt wrong to leave Violet in the dust without trying to help her more, but it also felt wrong to push Darryl away. My breathing became a little unsteady but I couldn't stop it. All the worst- case scenarios found their way into my head, making me feel worse.

What if Darryl hates me now? What if he wants to leave? What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? What if he convinces Vincent that I'm a bad person?

I made a frustrated noise, trying to push these thoughts out of my head. They were making me think I made a mistake in ever bringing Violet home, but I know I didn't. They were scenarios that could never happen. Darryl is my friend, and we will get over this quickly.

I shook my head violently, disturbing Violet who nudged me with her head, distracting me. She purred louder, calming me down slowly as I smoothed her fur.

When I had calmed down, I walked downstairs to find some muffins in our cookie jar and Darryl lying down on the couch. I had thought he was asleep but when I opened the jar to get a muffin, I was startled by his voice.

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