Chapter 9 - Dixie

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I didn't think it could get any worse Dixie but you got your ultimate revenge on me didn't you? You showed up at my house in tears and like the idiot I am I let you in again. I hugged you until you stopped crying, I nodded my head in the right places, I held your hand in the right places but unlike you pix, I actually cared. Dixie, you know what's coming right? I'm about to tell everyone your biggest secret. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Pull up a pew, get some popcorn and buckle up. Dixie Miller, co-captain of the cheerleading squad, 1/3 of the golden trio, ½ of liberty's favourite couple, the girl with ivy league colleges after her was about to have the biggest wake up call of her life.

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THIS MORNING I discovered sleeping through an alarm is my secret talent, it's Monty's too apparently. Neither of us stirred until 10:30. Our coaches will kill both of us. I jump out of the bed in a hurry much to the annoyance of a grumpy Montgomery. Thankfully, I have a spare tooth brush I left last time I stayed over. It's a rare occurrence that we sleep over at monts. I take any chance i get to take him out of the toxic environment he lives in. My mind is already working overtime, about Hannah, about Sheri, about Bryce. What did the group decide to do after i left? My conscience is catching up with me. I'm finally starting to see what I did to Hannah was wrong. All she wanted to do was be my friend but I'm too jealous, I'm too angry, I'm too selfish. I had a hand in every single thing that happened to Hannah. Hannah was the sun and I was the eclipse that blocked her. Even when she was at her lowest she was still being a friend to me. Little did I know or even care that she was weeks away from taking her own life.

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The rain in evergreen on that night didn't trickle, it poured. A true storm but this storm didn't rival the storm that was brewing in the Miller household. Roman and Moon were arguing about their dwindling bank balance while their daughter had the shock of her life. A flash of blonde passed the adults. Dixie ran across the street to her old friend, Hannah Baker. The small girl knocked, knocked and banged on the door.

"Jesus I'm coming. What was the-- oh it's you"

"Hannah please. Can I come in?" Dixie begged.

"No. You can't"

"I need help. I really need a friend right now"

"Walk up the street to the Walkers then" Hannah replied sharply.

"I can't Hannah. Please can I come in? I'm begging you"

"Ok. Just take your shoes off. You're soaked" Hannah relented to the shaking girl.

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