Meeting Alastor: New Recruits

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After a while again, Alastor took some time to look around. "So, where is your hotel staff?" Alastor asked. As Charlie was about to ask, Alastor looked at Vaggie and laughed. "Your going to need more than that." Alastor said, walking away. He then looked at you and Angel while you two were talking. "Hmm. They seem close." Alastor said.

"I don't know how you do this. You always do this whenever I'm not paying attention." You said. "I have ways in which you don't understand." Angel said. "So, it would seem." Alastor said. You both looked. "You? What do you want?" You asked. "If you want something from me, forget it. I'm already taken." Angel said. "Oh, please. I'm not into guys. Your both alright." Alastor said. "Huh? Then, what do you want?" You asked. "Let me ask you this. Are you both together?" Alastor asked. "What? No. We're not." You said.

"The rings say otherwise. And I already know you two are a thing." Alastor said. "No way. How'd you know we're married?" You asked. "Because I know everything, lover boy. But, don't worry. Your secrets are safe with me. I didn't tell anyone." Alastor said. "Ok. That's a relief." Angel said. "Yeah. All of Hell will probably kill us if they find out." You said. "I wouldn't say kill. More like be jealous they're not good enough. But, nevermind that. What can you two do?" Alastor asked. "Wanna see for yourself?" You asked. "Ha! No." Alastor said and walked away. "Heh. Your loss." Angel said.

"Well, this just won't do. I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up." Alastor said as he snapped his fingers. A fire then lit up and a weird figure came out of the fire. Alastor went to pick it up and it opened one eye. Charlie and Vaggie looked at it surprised as you held Angel close to you. The smoke then came off, revealing a small female cyclops. "This little darling is Niffty." Alastor said as he set her down. "Hi, I'm Niffty. It's nice to meet you. It's been a while since I've met new friends. Why are you all women? Are there any men here?! I'm sorry, that's rude. Oh, man! This place is filthy. It really needs a ladies touch. Which is weird, because your all ladies, no offense. Oh my gosh, this is awful! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!" Niffty said as she searched the place. "Uh, am I the only one who thinks she's got a few screws loose?" You asked. "It's just the way she is, lover boy." Alastor said.

The others turned to see another demon. "Ha! Read them and weep, boys. Whoa! What the hell? What the fuck is this? You!" Husk said. "Ah, Husker, my good friend. So glad you could make it." Alastor said. "Don't you 'Husker' me, you son of a bitch. I was about to win the whole damn pot!" Husk said. "Good to see you, too." Alastor said. "What the hell do you want with me this time?" Husk asked. "My friend, I am doing some charity work, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services. I hope that's OK." Alastor said. "Are you shitting me?" Husk asked. "Mm, no. I don't think so." Alastor said. "You thought it would be some kind of big, fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere? You think I'm some kind of fucking clown?!" Husk asked. "Maybe." Alastor said. "I ain't doing no fucking charity job." Husk said. "Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment. With your charming smile and welcoming energy, this job was made for you! Don't worry, my friend. I can make this more welcoming. If you wish." Alastor said as he brought out a bottle out of nowhere. "What? You think you can fire me with a wink and some cheap booze? Well, you can." Husk said. He then walked away and you scoffed.

"Who's the new kid?" Husk asked. "Y/N L/N. But, my friends call me N/N." You said. "It's nice to meet you. Gotta say, it's an honor to meet a new face." Niffty said as she shook your hand. "I could say the same to you both." You said. You held out your hand and Husk sighed and shook your hand. "The feelings mutual." Husk said. You then walked away and Niffty and Husk watched as you walked over to Angel. "Are you together? Don't mind me asking. I'm just going to come out and say that you two look so cute together." Niffty said. "Thanks?" Angel asked. "Niffty, some privacy, please?" You asked. "Okie dokie." Niffty said as she dashed away.

"Huh. What a strange duo, those two." Angel said. "Yeah, I agree. But, we shouldn't judge them a lot. We should take some time to get to know them." You said. "Yeah, I guess your right. Then again, I can't remember a time where you went wrong." Angel said. "Heh. Thanks." You said.

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