The Game Returns

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The New Directions were tired of each other... again. Puck hated Kurt always complaining about being dead. Rachel hated Brittany feeling sorry for herself because she wasn't with Santana. Quinn hated Rachel trying to control everyone as if they were still alive. They thought dying would make them grow closer, but it only seemed to pull them apart. But, still, they loved each other as much as they did when they were alive. Puck agreed with Kurt and felt sorry that he had to die. Rachel felt incredibly guilty playing a hand in Brittany's death and taking her from Santana. Quinn was glad Rachel was acting normal, unlike some of the others. Unfortunately, an all too familiar game would tear them apart once again.

April 24, 2010

"She's been alone for a whole week," Brittany frowned. The deceased members of the New Directions had been sitting in the afterlife replica of Brittany's bedroom, the room each of them had died in.

"Yeah, and we all died. At least she got to live," Puck rolled his eyes.

"We all died, she didn't. She has to live without us for the rest of her life, she has to carry that pain with her, she has to feel the guilt of voting to kill her friends. She got it worse than we did," Quinn shot back.

"I miss my life. I just wish there was a way to go back," Rachel sighed. As if granting her wish, Sam walked in holding a familiar box.

"Uhh... guys," Sam said, not sure what to do.

"Hell no! Put that thing back where you found it!" Mercedes shouted, hiding behind a few of the others.

"What's it gonna do, kill us again? It'll give us something to at least," Kurt sighed, bored of the afterlife.

"Kurt's right, we should just play it," Rachel said, taking the box from Sam and opening it. She pulled the rules out as Mike took out the board.

"Guys, the board is different. Santana, Mr. Schue, and Miss Holliday aren't on it anymore. We're the only ones on it and none of us are in black and white," Mike stated.

"What? Shouldn't we all be in black and white? We're all dead," Finn replied.

"What do the rules say?" Blaine asked, looking at Rachel.

"Santana survived, but one of you is about to join her. In this round of the game, you will all fight for the chance to be brought back to life. Those who die will be sent to hell. However, voting has also changed. You will all vote on who you like the most, you cannot vote for yourself. The person with the most votes will choose who to send to hell. But beware, a tie will result in a revote where the person with the fewest votes will automatically be sent to hell rather than the highest voted person choosing," Rachel read off of a card.

"So we get another chance? That's amazing!" Tina beamed.

"Let's do this," Artie grinned.

"Vote," the familiar voice demanded.

Puck, the first to vote, decided to vote Quinn, thinking she was most deserving at a second chance. Artie voted Tina, wanting her to be safe from hell. Kurt voted Finn, assuming his stepbrother would be the person least capable of handling life in hell. Tina voted Brittany, wanting to reunite her with Santana. Quinn voted for Brittany, thinking she was too pure for hell. Blaine voted for Sam, wanting his best friend to be able to live again. Brittany voted for Quinn, knowing how close she was to Santana. Finn voted for Rachel, wanting to save her from whatever was in hell. Sam voted for Quinn, hoping to keep her safe. Rachel voted for Brittany, guilty that she had voted to kill her in the first game. Mike voted for Brittany, knowing how happy she would be if reunited with Santana. Mercedes voted for Sam, thinking he wouldn't make it in hell.

"All with one vote... Tina, Finn, Rachel. With two votes... Sam. With three votes... Quinn. With four votes, and choosing who is sent to hell... Brittany," the voice announced.

"Okay, um... Artie, Kurt, Mercedes, Blaine, Puck, and Mike didn't get any votes so I have to choose one of you," Brittany stated.

"That's fair," Kurt shrugged.

"Mercedes, Blaine, and Mike are all so sweet, I have to choose between Artie, Kurt, and Puck," Brittany continued.

"I'm not liking the way this is going," Puck said.

"I have to combine who I want to have a second chance and who I think Santana would want to spend time with if any of you were to be brought back to life, so I'm sorry but I choose Artie," Brittany frowned before Artie disappeared.

"Woah, where did he go?" Finn asked.

"He was sent to hell," Quinn answered.

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