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There are those who do not know his beginning or where he is from. Nevertheless, they know him as Graygyus the wizard. If you were to ask them where they have met or how they know Graygyus. They would think, and say the same thing, "He has always been there, extremely friendly, a great friend, and a wonderful story weaver." They never remember to ask him where he is from, or where he lives, they just know Graygyus or remember meeting him.

When asked what Graygyus looks like? They would describe him as, tall, and slender, with long silver hair, and no beard. Has a twinkle and the kindest eyes you ever saw, they are the strangest of colours to, they look blue, but when you look closer, they would seem green. He has a pointy nose, and not to bushy eyebrows.

He wears a blue wide brim floppy pointed at the top hat and cloak to match. He walks with a staff that has a sapphire crystal at the top, carries a sword, an athame, and a blue bag.

He rides a white horse called Guidnum, he is faster and larger than a normal Shire horse, and sometimes his owl Tean accompanies them.

When he weaves his stories, you would experience them. Although he only tells the funny adventures, they were sure he had others, but never spoke of them.

He once told a story about when he accidentally destroyed his work room by blowing it up, and it caught on fire. The audience he told the story to, felt the explosion, and saw the fire.

You can also get into trouble when he was around, he makes things disappear, where you get blamed for the missing item, he is quite mischievous. He has a soft strong voice, which can get quite loud when angered, which was rare. They also said that he can laugh hysterically causing you to do the same, feeling the laughter all the way down to your toes. The children all love him when he comes around, they look forward to his magic shows, fireworks, and toys.

He is kind, helpful, and lacks the patience with the likes of laziness. A great healer and is quite knowledgeable about everything that you can think of, he can talk of the stars and moon, and knows when the weather is going to change to rain, a thunderstorm or a sunny day. He also knows about what you are going to say before you say it.

The few that really knows Graygyus, are aware that he is much more than that. He is a sorcerer supreme and was born with a daemon. He was born within a white light and has a daemon named Kilrig. When a child is born within a white light, that child is born with a daemon, that protects them from all harm. They also know that he can disappear and reappear whenever he wants, but he prefers to do things the normal way.

He could communicate with the dead in the summer land, the gods, and goddesses of the heavens, as well as the netherworld, and the fifth realm, the animals, the elements if they had something to say. He is a sojourner of sorts, but lives hidden within the Great Whispering Kelgerra Forest, a home he made with in the caves of the Invisible Mountains. Which are not invisible but simply hard to find, and this is how he likes it.

He also knows other things but refuses to see the result, wanting to work through it with valor. 

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