Me kaeyln and Ashley were all going to Melissa's birthday party she said it was only like a little birthday party for us girls and she also said that we are going to play some games allot types funny scary love like u know it's something all girls do and boys have to appreciate it because were way different from them that's the good thing there is no boys allowed at this party so let's have fun we arrive when we arrived we put our jackets on the hooks lies tend to music we played pin the tail on the donkey blindfolded we played truth or dare then hide and clap and finally triple dog dare scary version who's first kaeyln asked me said Melissa ok pick someone to do u dare Ashely ok Ashley Itripkedog dare u to say Bloody Mary in the bathroom ok I do this all the time so I'm not afraid go ahhhhhhhhhhhh we here screaming Ashley's comes out with a scratch it's so wierd at least u did it yea Ashley said 👇ok who's next kaealyn ask u we said pick someone nicki ok I triple dog dare u to dress up a devil and go to a church ok we all left to the church sence it was day and it was Sunday there was a church appoment they were in the middle of blessing god then nicki came we had sound affects that sounded like the devil so nicki went they all got scared the all prayed OMG we were LOL😍😜 LITRELLY the if was only lastly it was alisha turn nicki dares her ok I triple dog dare u to play with the quija board alone ok she said we all had quija boards from last time we played it she asked a lot a questions the lights went out it was bad it was playing to it dared her to do something ...
On the next chapter