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  • Dedicated to Leelah Alcorn

Let me just start like this:

Gender doesn't affect people's personality. Get the hell over it. So what if people are gay, lesbian, or transgender! It isn't you're place to judge them!!!!! Mind your own damn buisness!!! I'm so sick of people wanting to die because they get judged. God, society clean up your act!!! Every single person is beautiful.

Even if I don't know every human being I want you, yes you reading this, I want you to know I think you're amazing. You're absolutly beautiful. Don't change who you are. This isn't bullshit. I think you are amazing and I want you to stay here with me.

Why is our generation so screwed up? Why can't we treat everyone fairly. We are all humans. Please I don't wnat anyone to be hurt. Everyone prays for things like World Peace. But we can't even be nice to each other. So how can we have peace but there is hate? Love and peace aren't that much different. So World Peace will never happen if we can't be nice to each other anyways.

Just think about what you do in your own life. If you call people names, tease them, make fun of them, etc. you could be hurting them. I don't wanna sound like a parent but seriously. The person you tease could seem fine on the outside but could be badly damaged on the inside. Just please treat everyone fairly.

Gender Doesn't MatterWhere stories live. Discover now