chaper 1 (being a city dreweller)

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(our first chapter of our new Pokemon journeys x nickit reader)

3rd pov
A nickit sneakily walked around trying to find food. You are a nickit named (y/n) and you lived in the galar region where Pokemon can do this amazing thing called dynamax which makes the gigantic. (Y/n) continue to look around until she spotted a bakery "perfect..." (Y/n) said to herself as she started to quickly go to it, you snuck around it to get to the back door you hid behind a trash can waiting patiently and eagerly to go inside. The door swung opened with one of the workers taking out the trash, that was (y/n)'s chance to get in the bakery, she quickly ran in the kitchen of the bakery without being noticed. (Y/n) hid under the cooking tables making sure she wasn't seen, her mouth watered and her stomach growled from the smells of delicious pastries and biscuits and bagels. She looked around seeing the chefs working on the food this could be a little harder than she thought but then she thought of the perfect idea she saw a few open bags of flour on the table. With one fast sweep of her tail she knocked them all down making the kitchen dusted with flour making it harder to see. (Y/n) covered her body in the flour to be harder to see because all the flour all over the place and ran to were the pastries were cooked and was now cooling while the chefs tried their best to clean all the flour up. She grabbed a plate of mini muffins and ran out of the bakery with a big happy smile on her face.

 She grabbed a plate of mini muffins and ran out of the bakery with a big happy smile on her face

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(Y/n) found a nice spot in a alley where she can be by herself and place the plate of muffins on the ground and dusted yourself of. Your fur was unique you was a regular colored nickit but with shiny spots with a shiny heart birth mark on your left arm.

 Your fur was unique you was a regular colored nickit but with shiny spots with a shiny heart birth mark on your left arm

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You are pretty unique looking and quite cute. After you rid your beautiful fur of the flour you started to eat the muffins enjoying them. It's hard to be a city drewelling Pokemon such as yourself. Finding shelter is hard but finding food is even harder, since no human will willing give you something for you to eat you might as well steal them. Your quite the sneaky one you like to cause a distraction to get the humans attention and then take the food just like that before they know what's going on. The next thing is having to deal with other city drewelling pokemon fighting who gets the last piece of small stale bread isn't fun but also fighting about who gets to sleep in the small dirty box, life is hard as a city Pokemon but you can sometimes managed to do pretty well especially when you find food like today.


After you finished eating the mini muffins your stomach growled again but lightly you sighed "I should try to find something else" (y/n) said as she got up and was about to continue her search for more food,you walked around trying to see if theirs food to snatch, you were thinking about going to go back to the bakery and steal more food until you noticed to humans sitting with their pokemon. They where kids one with Raven hair with lighting marks on both sides of his face wearing a blue vest and the Pokemon with him was a pikachu, the other boy sitting in front of him had black hair and wore a gray hoodie who had a scorbunny. They both had plates of biscuits and your stomach growled just from the sight of it You saw a trash cans a next to each other and quickly hid behind it you grabbed a can with you tail and threw it at the Raven and black haired and boy making them both confused along with their pokemon rubbing their heads. You knocked down a trash can making them all look in the direction of where it fell and you took this chance quickly to snatch the plate of the table quickly and ran. You heard as the humans and their pokemon started to chase you yelling for you to comeback but your was determined to eat these biscuits whether they like it or not.


You quickly ran into the alley way trying to loose them off you tail until you heard the Raven hair boi say "Pikachu you Thunderball" as you ran you turned your head slightly to see Pikachu use Thunderball throwing it at you. You jumped using iron tail hitting it right back at Pikachu, you landed on the ground running as the Raven hair boy was trying to see if the pikachu was ok which gave you plenty enough time to escape.


(Y/n) pov
That was a bit troubling getting these biscuits because of those humans but it was so worth it. I found a small box in the alley in went inside I placed the plate of biscuits giggling to myself how easy it is to steal from humans but hopefully they don't find me. I started to eat the delicious biscuits.

(Author's note: sorry that it's a little short. So what do you think of nickit (y/n)?)

Nickit (y/n): yes Im making my debut
Hawlucha (y/n): welcome to the (y/n)'s!

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