christmas special

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3rd pov

(Y/n) sat there a next riolu and farfetch'd as they watched Pikachu battled against raboot on in the snow, (y/n) stretched and layed downed feeling a bit hungry at the moment. After the battle, ash's stomach growled loudly. "All that battling sure made me hungry, let's get something to eat!" Ash said as pikachu and (y/n) jumped on his shoulder, goh sighed and facepalmed.the group was currently in the unova region in castelia and they're were going back to kanto later to go see their families because tommorow is Christmas. Castelia city was decorated in beautiful Christmas decorations. The group got food from a cafe and sat down outside, all their pokemon was out eating and singing Christmas songs just for fun. Gengar looked over at (y/n) he was eating quietly. "Hey (y/n) do you sing?" Gengar asked a bit curiously, (y/n) looked at gengar in suprised, she blushed in embarrassment, "I would love to hear (y/n) sing!" Pikachu said excitedly, "same here!" Riolu added. (Y/n) sighed getting a bit annoyed as they repeatedly asked for her to sing. "Fine..." (Y/n) said,she remembered a song she would hear a lot whenever it was Christmas time and she went off to go steal Christmas cookies, She started to sing.

Santa, tell me if you're really there
Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year
Santa, tell me if he really cares
'Cause I can't give it all away
If he won't be here next year
Feeling Christmas all around
And I'm trying to play it cool
But it's hard to focus when I see him walking around the room
"Let it Snow" is blasting out
But I won't get in the mood
I'm avoiding every mistletoe until I know
It's true love that he thinks of
So next Christmas
I'm not all alone, boy
Santa, tell me if you're really there
Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year
Santa, tell me if he really cares
'Cause I can't give it all away
If he won't be here next year
I've been down this road before
Fell in love on Christmas night
But on New Year's Day, I woke up and he wasn't by my side
Now I need someone to hold
Be my fire in the cold
But it's hard to tell if this is just a fling
Or if it's true love that he thinks of
So next Christmas
I'm not all alone, babe
Santa, tell me if you're really there
Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year
Santa, tell me if he really cares
'Cause I can't give it all away
If he won't be here next year
Oh, I wanna have him beside me like oh-oh-oh
On the 25th by the fire place, oh-oh-oh
But I don't want a new broken heart
This year I've got to be smart
Oh, baby
(Santa, tell me, Santa, tell me)
If he will be, if he will be
(Santa, tell me, Santa, tell me)
Santa, tell me if you're really there (Santa, tell me, 'cause I really care)
Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year
Santa, tell me if he really cares (tell me, tell me, boy)
'Cause I can't give it all away
If he won't be here next year
Santa, tell me if you're really there (tell me, Santa, baby)
Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year (if he won't be, if he won't be here)
Santa, tell me if he really cares (tell me, do you care?)
'Cause I can't give it all away
If he won't be here next year


(Y/n) finished singing and she noticed they were all staring in shock. (Y/n)'s ears bended down,"I knew it was bad..." (Y/n) said as she looked down. "That was... AMAZING!!" riolu said as his tail wagged happily as his faced heated up with blush, farfetch'd looked away as he blushed, "y-your singing is ok..." Farfetch'd said a bit quietly. "Your voice is absolutely gorgeous!" Pikachu complimented as he blushed slightly. As (y/n) got more compliments she pulled her shades down and looked away as she blushed in total embarrassment, she tried her best to hide her blush, "whatever..." She mumbled.


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Riolu pov

"Her voice is absolutely beautiful! I really hope I can hear her sing again!" I thought to myself as my tail wagged happily, I blushed slightly thinking about her and her amazing voice, I think I'm falling in love with her...but what about the others, it's clear they like her too...I'll just have to win her first!


3rd pov

Everyone finishes their food and leaves the cafe. "I'm so excited!" Goh said as he packed his things, ash nodded in agreement "I can't wait!" Ash replied, they finished packing and started to walk. As they walk a net comes out of nowhere and captures pikachu,(y/n),and raboot they all look up in suprise, the net was connected to a rope that went up to a hot air balloon. "TEAM ROCKET!" Ash yelled in anger, "GIVE US BACK OUR POKEMON!" Goh yelled in anger as well, jessie laughed at them, "as if we'll give you back your Pokemom you twerps! James said, "what a perfect Christmas present, stolen Pokemom!" Meowth added "and now (y/n) is mine!" Meowth thought to himself. Ash released his dragonite and goh released his flygon. A pelipper flew over them and drop down the pokeball gumball machine into team rocket's hot air balloon, james held Meowth upside down using the coin on his head. Two pokeballs came out, jessie and James released them both, a serperior and a arcanine came out. "Dragonite use dragon pulse!", "Flygon use dragon tail!" Ash and goh commanded. Dragonite and flygon uses dragon pulse and dragon tail on serperior and arcanine. "Serperior use leaf blade!", " Arcanine use flamethrower!" Jessie and James commanded. Serperior and arcanine tried to hit dragonite and flygon but, dragonite and flygon dodged and used dragon pulse and dragon tail on them making them fall back. "Serperior use vine whip on dragonite!, "Arcanine use ember!" Jessie and James commanded. Dragonite and flygon fought back against them eventually winning against serperior and arcanine, serperior and arcanine fainted and Jessie and James returned them back to there pokeballs. "You may have defeated us but your raboot, pikachu and nickit are ours now!" Jessie said with a smirked. "Dragonite now use fire punch" ash commanded. Dragonite flew quickly to the net and used fire punch on it burning it open, (y/n), pikachu, and raboot jumped out and landed on dragonite's back. Dragonite flew down and (y/n), pikachu and raboot jumped off of dragonite back. "Pikachu use electro ball and (y/n) use mud shot!" "Raboot use flamethrower!" Ash and goh commanded. The moves combined hitting team rocket's hot air balloon. "WHERE BLASTING OFF AGAIN" team rocket yelled as they blasted off again. Goh looked at time "ash we have to go quickly or we'll be late!" Goh said. Ash and ,goh rode flygon mad dragonite to the airport.They got there in time and got on the plane. Ash and goh sighed and relief and took their seats.

8 hours later

The plane landed in kanto. Ash and goh leaves the airport. Ash smiled and waved by to goh "bye goh well see you soon!" Ash said leaving taking a bus to pallet town, goh smiled "bye ash!" Goh said leaving and taking a bus to vermillion City. Soon ash gets home and knocks on the door, delia open the door and instantly hugged ash, ash yelped in suprise but hugged back. "I'm so glad your here ash!" Delia said letting him inside. "Thanks mom!" Ash said. "It's good to see you too pikach-" delia stopped when she noticed (y/n) on her shoulder. "Aww who's this?" Delia asked petting (y/n). "That's (y/n) we caught her in galar" ash said. "Aww she's so adorable!" Delia said as she continued to pet (y/n). Delia smiled and stopped petting (y/n). "I made a Christmas dinner for all us!" Ash, pikachu and (y/n) instantly ran in the kitchen. (Y/n)' mouth watered from the sight and smell of the food, she knew this was going to be a great Christmas!


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