The Hope of Friends

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(POV: Smii7y. It's being told as it happens)

A few weeks pass and I begin to make friends with people and learn about them. It was October 24 a week before Halloween when Anthony came up to me with a piece of paper, " It's for my Halloween party," he said answering the question that I didn't ask.

"Okey," I answer trying to hold back the excitement. I haven't even been here a month and I was already invited to a party.

The invitation says, I need to be in a costume and bring a snack and there will be no weed or vaping with John's name in brackets, which made me laugh.

The week following the part was uneventful. I got my old Angola wings and a hallow for a customer because I didn't have plans for Halloween. On the Friday of the party, John, Vanoss, and Brian were walking home.

"What are you guys going to be for Halloween," John asked. "I'm going to be a werewolf," Vanoss and looking at his phone.

"I'm not going to dress up" Brian answered. "Wow what a loser," I laughed"I'm being an Angola."
"I'm not a loser," he said pushing me off the sidewalk.

"No pushing," Vanoss said sternly, then laughed, "but you are a loser." Brian then started to chase Vanoss down the road.

"So what are you going to be," I ask John.
"I'm just going to be a demon," he responded looking at me with a grin. We walk home, and when I got home I made sure my costume is ready for the party.

Later that night I got a text from John that asks if I want to walk to Panda's house together, I answered with yes because I didn't know where he lived. I looked at the invitation one's more to make sure I didn't forget anything and for the first time I read at the top of the paper it said.

"John's plus one: Smii7y." Reading that made my face turn red it wasn't Panda who invited me it was John who wanted me there.

Ten minutes later my mom called me down to tell me my friend was there. I walk down the star and John was starting in my doorway wearing a black jacket and jeans, he had on gray boots with heels and he had demon horns and a tail on. I walk over to him and say bye to my mom who was standing next to the door.

"I see you put tons of effort into your costume" he laughed as the door shuts behind us. "Well I didn't have plans tell you invited me to this party," I smiled, and start walking

"I don't know what you're talking about," He said glancing back at me.
"I'm your plus one," I responded walking a bite faster to catch up with him.

"Anthony told you," he said pulling out his phone."No, it said it on the invitation," I say looking at the time.

"Okay," he smiled. "What time does the party start," I say looking at my phone.

"Umm 9:30" he laughed. I didn't say anything for a minute then I look at him and say "it's 9:53."

"Ya, but I'm allowed late to shit," he said proudly."Ok," I laugh at him.

After a little bit, we make it to Anthony's big ass house. I and John walk to the door and John walks in, and I follow him in. Anthony is wearing a panda onesie. He walks over to us and says, "glad you could finally make it."

"Ya," John said placing the bag of chips on the table next to him and I do the same.

We walk with Anthony into the living room to see, Puffer, Marcel, Tyler, and Nogla as Power Rangers playing a game of Mario Kart. Scotty is Romeo and his girlfriend Crissy is Julie, Brian and Brock are sitting on the couch, not in costume, Delirios is at the snack table whirring in a vampire costume. I didn't see Vanoss in the crowd of people.

"Are you okay," John said walking into the crowd. "Ya fine, why, "I respond following him into the crowd.

"I don't know, you haven't said anything since we left your house," John answered sitting on the catch and grabbing a controller, so I sat next to him.

"I'm switching out, who wants a tern," a voice said from the other side of the catch. After a minute of no response, he looked at me and said, "your tern Smii7y." I realized that it was Vanoss and his custom was good. "Okey," I respond talking to the remote.

We play for a bite before Anthony called everyone into the living room. He gets up on a small stag and begins to talk into a microphone, "as you all know on the invitation there was a rule against weed and beer, but y'all know that was a lie."

Everyone cheered, and the majority of people went outside to the bar. This didn't erect me much because I don't normally drink or smoke. I go back to sitting on one of the couches and grab a switch controller.

Anthony had a drink in his hand and he looked at me and says, " here's some definitely not spiked punch." Do I actually want to do this I think as I grab the, " how much alcohol is in this," I say softly?

"It has a little Vodka," he smiles sitting in a chair and grabbing a controller. "So I shouldn't download the whole thing," I say with a laugh. I probably won't drink any.

John put his arm around me and laughs out, "no differently down it." in that instant of wanting to belong I down the entire thing.

After a moment Anthony looks at me in pure terror. "That was my drink, that was pure vodka," I don't know what to say or do so I just start the game and mumble "Well fuck."

Like I can't handle a beer what made me think I could handle whatever was in that cup, but what I do know is me drinking pure vodka was a mastic.

After a while, I was drunk as shit, my vision was blurry and I can't sit up properly.

I find myself being dragged throw the crowd by a drunk John. He pulls me into an empty room and looks me up and down for a moment before pulling me in and locking eyes with me. Then everything went black.

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