Chapter 3

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"Maam is Gab ok.

"Yes Sir Dingdong.

"Can we go in?

"Yes Sir.

"Baby Gab are you ok?

"Yes dad no ouches.

"Ok let's take you home.

"No dad i'm really ok.

"Ok who'm fight you?!


"What oh i'll report to the principal.

"No dad please.

"No Gab so she will had warning 1.

"Ok dad if you insist.

*Principal's Office*

"Maam Principal I want to report Bianca De Flores for huting my Daughter!

"Calm down sir we will give her record.

"Gab is that true?

"Yes Maam Principal. Quiestion Maam Rhi.



"Yes maam.

"Did you see Bianca fight Gabbi?

"Yes Maam when I entered the Room.

"Ok it's official Bianca had a Warning 1.


"Bianca crying Maxine and Mellisa came.

"Why are you crying?Both said.

"Because Ruru does not like me because of that Gabbi .

"Hm.. She will pay for it! Mellisa said.

"Wait what you gonna do?

"I'll make Ruru to Gf you and convience him.

"You only?

"I'll need Arra for this.

"Ok but what you gonna do I have warning 1.

"Yes i"ll give her too.


"Maxine did you akward what Mellisa said?



"Wait Vaness i'll just see who text me.

"Sanya😘- Ate Glai, Ate Gab get hurt.

"Me- What!! Ok how did she getted hurt?

"Sanya😘- Bianca did she hila Ate's hair.


"Me-Did Ky know?

"Sanya😘-No ate.

"Me-Ok i'll tell her right away.

*Text Done*

"Sorry Vaness I need to go to, Gab hurted.

"Ok bess said to her get well if she getted real hurt.

"Ok bess thanks.

"Then Glaiza went to the Restaurant to said Kylie what happened.


"Oh hi Ate Glai.

"No time to chat si Gabbi may sumabunot sa kanya.


"Who did it?


"Oh. That Bianca will never hold Gabbi again.

"Ok Let's Go.

                *Glaiza's Pov*

"Gab are you okay?

"Yes Ate Glai .

"Oh that pesky Bianca will never touch you again.

"Calm Ate Glai, calm i'm fine now forever promise to you I will not freind her and pansin her.

"Good kasi ayaw ka namin masaktan.

"Ok Ate.


That's for chapter 3 hope you like it.

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