Part one

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Lily sat in the mirror and quickly brushed her hair as she frantically tried to apply her usual amount of  makeup. Not too much, just the basics and a little lip gloss.
She heard familiar voices calling her downstairs. She put a small clip in her hair and frantically stuffed her navy bag. Just as She was about to head out the door she stops to observe her outfit, she was never big on fashion but she was actually proud of this one. She wore a light blue sweater to protect herself from the autumn's cold. On her wrists she had multiple hair ties, Incase she needed to tie up her shoulder length hair, she also wore a small golden watch that her father bought her for her birthday when she was 13. She also wore a knee-length skirt that was a blue. She liked pants but she decided wearing a skirt on her first day would better leave the impression she'd wanted to have.
She had an array of different outfits but there was one thing about her wear that never changed, her signature necklace. It was a small pink flower on a tiny golden chain, she had gotten it last year. The flower was made of a smooth, shiny gemstone. It was pink with a gold outline that looked almost white when the light hit it, but when it was in the dark it became almost like a flashlight. She could press the middle of the flower and it would emit a bright white light. Lily has always liked to be practical and this seemed right up her ally. She hadn't had to use it that much and it seemed a little too small for a flashlight, she still enjoyed its presence. She hasn't taken it off I'n over a year.  She stepped closer to the mirror to admire its beauty when she heard her brother calling for her.


Lily raced down the steps to find a what her father would describe as 'a very peculiar, unusual, but expected sight'.

Right in her kitchen she saw Kidd watching with a blank smile on his face while Penny tried to Heimlich the foam apple out of Nugget's throat. Billy was standing up shouting words of....
Encouragement? At least that's what she thought was happening.

It reminded her of a conversation she and Billy had earlier last month. Their mom has just bought a fruit basket full of foam fruit as decorations for the kitchen. Lily had made a joke about how Nugget was probably going to try to eat one of them, to where Billy responded 'he's not stupid, Lily, '

And then they made a bet.

Guess who just lost.

Eventually the foam piece popped out of Nuggets throat and Penny began to lecture him about the consequences of not paying attention to your surroundings but she was quickly cut off by a hug from Nugget and him yelling
Penny steps back a little at first but she quickly gives into the hug.
"You're welcome, Nugget." Penny says with a smile.

Billy turns his head to see Lily. He asks for them to all to begin walking to school. Lily glance at my watch and realizes that they have more time than previously thought. Still, they head to school. Penny giving them tips on how to excel in our junior year, and Kidd giving them tips on how to survive it. Lily wonders why she would be taking advice from people how haven't even been a junior yet, since they are all going in at the same time.

Lily feels confident that this year will be just like her last. Apparently she has no idea what foreshadowing is.

They arrive at her high school and go to the principles office to get their locker numbers. Lily has always had a fear of principles, it may be from a certain event from when she was younger since she's had this fear ever since kindergarten. Lily walks past all the other students trying to break into their lockers. She eventually makes it to #356. She opens her locker with ease just as she notices a familiar head of hair just a few feet away from her. On the other side of the wall, a few lockers down, stands a blonde she has a history with.


She doesn't notice she's gazing at her until Cindy looks up at Lily. They lock eyes for a moment, both knowing that this won't be their last interaction.

Cindy rolls her eyes and goes back to struggling awfully with opening her locker. Lily watches as she twists the lock furiously, pounds on the door, and kicks the bottom of her poor locker.

Lily begins to feel pity....

....For the locker

As most of the students clear out for the hour long first day assembly, they both are left standing there. Cindy eventually gives up and tosses her bag over her shoulder. Lily realizes how weird it was that she was just staring that entire time. Cindy probably noticed. Lily is slightly embarrassed at the thought. She shuts her locker and runs to the assembly. Why should she care what Cindy thinks?

She opens the doors to find a small gymnasium with around 70 students. All her life she'd been going to small low budget schools. But despite being a small class, they were LOUD. She looked around at the students trying to place her friends but a loud "Hey!" and wave from Kidd helped her find where they were. She walked up to the top of the bleachers because her friends refused to use any other level than the top. She took a seat in-between Penny and Nugget, with Kidd sitting with Penny and Billy and Nugget next to each other. The principle started talking, delivering the same speech as she had for Lilys sophomore and freshman years. But this time was different, however because in the middle of the short speech someone opened the door. The blonde walks up the bleacher steps up to the top to were her bag was laying. Lily wondered why Cindy was entering now, because she had obviously been there before Lily because of her bag laying on the bleachers. But when did she leave? Why? Lily suddenly wonders why she's investing so much thought into a girl she hasn't talked too in two years. But Lily couldn't help feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment as Cindy sat about five people away from her.
Billy, Kid, and Nugget Notice her too. They all roll their eyes and Nugget gives her a death glare. Let's just say that none of them like Cindy all that much (except Penny, Penny loves everyone). The rest of the assembly goes by with out interruption and when it's over Lily and the rest of the Creature Feature gang get up and out of their seats. Cindy gets up too, but she appears to be struggling? Lily questions why that is. Cindy stands up just in time for a group of kids to try to get past her.

"Hey blondie, move!" One of the girls yells.

Cindy turns around and flips them off  only to get pushed out of their way by some jerky jock.

Cindy loses her balance and falls into the next layer of the bleachers, she gets spat on in the face.

"You'll pay for that, fatass!" She yells at them, only to be spat on in the face.

They other kids quickly leave and Cindy gets up, Lily notices tears in her eyes. Cindy grabs a small notebook from her old and beat up bag and scrawls something inside it, then puts it away. As she is getting ready to walk away she makes eye contact with Lily, who has been staring this whole time. Instead of the usual middle finger or glare, Cindy just shakes her head and walks away.

Lily is snapped into reality with a petite hand on her shoulder.

"Come on! We've got to go, don't want to miss class now do we?" Penny says in her sing-song voice.

Kid is also standing there and he just nods his head at Penny and they walk away holding hands. Lily quickly follows them and they all catch up to Nugget and Billy. They each stop at their lockers.

Lily notices that Cindy isn't at hers.

Hm, strange.

Lily, again wonders why she would put so much thought into this girl who she doesn't even care about anymore.

Little did she know Cindy was about to become one of the most important people in her life.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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