31~ Athena, My Best Friend

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We clashed in the middle. She threw a volley of punches and kicks at me, I dodged them all and returned them. We were moving around so fast, all human eyes could see would be shadows of motion. Her eyes were bright blue orbs and flames danced across her skin, burning me. 

But I wasn't any worse. My nails elongated into claws and slashed everywhere. My eyes followed her every movement, not giving her an opening. Knowing each other inside out, fighting was difficult. Predictions were deadly accurate, both hers and mine. That made it hard to move freely. 

A battle cry made its way across the field. The pack had launched a counter-attack. Fights broke out all around us, but I didn't let it distract it from my battle. Even though Athena and I were continuously bruising each other, I didn't feel the pain. The adrenaline rushing through me combined with my emotions increased my strength tenfold. 

I felt a surge of power and I knew what was coming. My air powers were about to activate. In a split second, all the trees around us were cut in half and fell to the ground. Ena doubled over in pain. Her Goddess Flame protected her, but she took decent damage. 

I saw my opening and charged. I kicked her right in the face and sent her flying about a hindered meters again. She crashed into some rubble but was back in my face instantly. 

While we fought, my rational side told me it was pointless. We were both opponents that held great power, fighting around so many people would just cause unnecessary casualties. I was pretty sure I had killed people already with my air attack earlier. 

But Ena didn't care. She fought me like that's all she lived for. I recognized the look in her eyes, it mirrored mine. 

An expression of intense pain.  A pair of eyes desperately wanting revenge. 

I slashed at her arm and dodged her kick. Her flames lashed out and burned me, and my air then pushed it back. I ducked down and tripped her, but she somersaulted, landed behind me and hit me hard in the back. I fell forward but didn't waste any time, kicking up and hitting her face. 

This went on for a while as people fought around us. I didn't have time to look around, but I did see bodies everywhere. Both of my family and of my enemies. Many were still fighting. I saw Luna in her wolf form tearing ghoul's heads off. 

Suddenly, I felt two presences. It felt that they were fighting and nearing our location. One, fortunately was Vamp. I was happy to know that he was here. 

The other was... 


I couldn't ponder it further because Ena started hitting me with Flame covered fists. I had to step up my game or I was losing this fight. 

And there was no way that would happen. 

We both jumped back, panting hard and exhausted. Using my air powers so much took a toll on my body, but I couldn't afford to break down now. This war was far from over. 

I saw Ena's eyes flicker to Kayden's dead body, only for a moment. I took the chance and tackled her. We both fell to the ground and I pinned her arms and body under my legs. 'Why... would you... my... best... friend...' I said that in between punches at her face. She pushed me off and I went flying into some rubble behind me. 

I was sure I cracked some ribs, but I ignored it. At that moment we both were in a fix, not at full power and facing a long battle ahead. I charged at her, wanting to finish it. This time I gave control to my wolf, not wanting to mess it up. Ena seemed to have upped her game too, she suddenly seemed to be able to dodge attacks she couldn't before. 

My wolf hit her with some combos and a few feints. She then attacked with air, though that used a lot of my energy. We knew we would be reaching our limit soon and when I did, I would be immobilized for a while. Maybe even lose consciousness. 

I had to finish this before that and get Ena away from here. Not because I wanted to protected her, but because I didn't want another of my enemies to get what they wanted. My eyes widened when I realized what Ena was to me now.

Just another enemy. 

We clashed again, faster this time. I could see the tiredness in her eyes and I knew mine was clearly visible too. There was no hiding the fact that I was exhausted, barely able to keep the blocks and attacks coming. 

I jumped back to take a few quick breaths. Ena's strategy was to tire me out because we were about the same now. I remembered how I said I never wanted to fight her, and how I would hate it. 

I was living my worst nightmare. 

I charged but ducked down last second to trip her. Our speed had decreased drastically compared to what it was a few minutes ago, but we were still moving too fast to see clearly. 

Ena knew my trick by now and jump-kicked me. I flew backwards but landed on my feet since her kick was nothing compared to the one before. 

As we both ran towards each other again, I had a feeling it would be the last time. Preparing my air powers, I boosted myself forward and launched punches. Ena was forced into a defensive stance and bore the bring of them. Her arms were badly bruised and bleeding, but she summoned tow columns of flame and casted a spell. 

'Power of the Heavens: Commence!' she yelled. Lighting struck down and I barely dodged. If I hadn't, I would be dead. My hair stood on end and shivers ran throughout my body. I staggered, my vision was a little blurry because of the shock. 

Athena came through the debris and kicked me. I slid back on the ground with the force. The impact left my vision even more distorted than before. I coughed up blood and tried to stand. My wolf whimpered and gave control back to me. We both didn't want to fight her, not like this. 

She stood over me, tears falling. She held a dagger identical to the one that killed Rick. I stared at her, wide-eyed. She slashed down, but I rolled out of the way, only making moves that would save my life. 

So this was what it had come to...?

I rolled out of the way again. The only reason she hadn't got me yet was because she was just as exhausted as I was. 

Would I die by my best friend's hand? After everything we went through, she would be the one to kill me? 

I never expected it. 

As the knife slashed down again, I had no strength. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain. When none came for a few seconds, I opened them again. 

Ena fell to the ground beside me. Luna Oriana stood over the both of us. I sighed in relief and my eyes fluttered close. 


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