She's Coming

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It was gonna be another quiet night for the boy. He didn't like staying up too late, especially past sunset. He had just moved in, and the sounds of this old house would make him paranoid with fear.

He would find himself checking the locks about 5 times a night before going to sleep. Sometimes the fear would grip him so hard he couldn't even manage to get up and check them again, even when he felt like he should.

All he could do was shut the door to his room, and stare at it. He'd just watch it and listen, as closely as he could. He was listening as the mysterious sounds of the night got louder and grew closer to his room. He'd avoid blinking just to catch a glimpse of the door budging, if it could. His body knew that there was someone or something else in this house with him, even though his mind was 100 percent sure that couldn't be possible.

The house was still under construction so the workers did often come in and out. Still, it'd be weird for one of the workers to be in his house at this time of the night. They usually came by in the morning.

The boy would often find himself waking up the next morning without even realizing that he had drifted asleep, while watching the door. Seeing everything was still in order when he got out of his room, it was obvious that nothing had come in to his home. He'd chalk up all the built up fear from the previous night to his mind playing tricks on him.

The creaks and groans of the old house didn't really bother him during the day. As the days passed, he grew less and less paranoid, and was able to ignore those mysterious sounds of the night. The landlord had even assured him that they were just the sounds of the house settling.

He still couldn't trust it, and continued to sleep with every door triple locked. The boy would think to himself, that the landlord was wrong, a house this old should've been done settling years ago.

The truth. There's actually a spirit in the house with the boy. The spirit thoroughly enjoyed toying with him. It would open the doors and slam them, stomp on the stairs, knock on the walls in an eerie manner, and given the chance, breathe on his neck to give him chills.

Lately the boy hasn't been reacting to the spirit as much as he used to. He was lucky it couldn't get into his room for some reason, but the spirit wanted to see the boy scurrying through the house like he did in the beginning.

The spirit decided it's going to put some honest fear into the boy the next chance it got.

She finally heard the boy come out of his room, and launched her plan to disturb his quiet night. She stomped up the stairs hard enough to put cracks in it. Then when she saw him in the hallway moving slowly in front of his room, she slammed the door closed behind him. He didn't even bother to look around, he just kept staring at a strange and bright silver box. He turned it around and used it's light to find his way to the bathroom.

The spirit followed right behind him while breathing on his neck. Again, the boy offered no fearful reaction and just brushed off the chill.

The spirit felt agitated, and was almost out of tricks. The spirit decided to use its' trump card. It was gonna do something quite dangerous for a spirit such as herself, but it would guarantee a fearful response. It's something so undeniably effective at making her presence known, the paranoia he'd feel would be replaced with confident fear of the unknown. There would be no way for the boy to ignore the spirit anymore.

The spirit took it's most terrifying form and waited for the boy to look up. The spirits ultimate trick was to reveal itself before the boy. Force him to face the ugly truth, and let the shock hit him to his core. It didn't care that the boy was on the toilet. It saw it as an opportunity to catch him in his most vulnerable state.

The spirit was actually excited to hear the boy scream for the first time. It stood over him patiently waiting with a big wide smile.

The boy was never gonna look up, even with a menacing spirit looming over him, the boy remained focused on his silver box.

The spirit was starting to lose it's patience. It originally planned to use this trick while the boy was running away, but now it had to be used to try and get the boy to look up. The spirit made itself appear on the other side of the boy, then again in front, then the other side, and it continued over and over as if it was teleporting all around him.

Even this trick couldn't grab the boy's attention.

Eventually, the spirit decided to look into the box, curious to know how the silver box was so captivating. There was an image of a young girl, close to the boys age, smiling in the box. He touched the image of her twice with his thumb, and a heart appeared, then he swiped upwards at it and the image moved away, while a new one moved into view.

Before she even realized, the spirit found itself drawn into the world of the silver box, as it watched the boy scroll from picture to picture. One of pictures really interested the spirit. It was actually an image of her in the same form she was currently in.

The boy was already seeing the spirit that stood before him within the silver box. The spirit wondered if this was why he wasn't afraid anymore. There were words on the image, "REPOST THIS PICTURE IN 30 SECONDS OR ELSE SHE'S COMING TO VISIT YOU TONIGHT". 

The boy was unimpressed and swiped the image away.

The boy was unimpressed and swiped the image away

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