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Next day,

While the captains are doing their routine drills and refreshing their memories , Brigadier Malhotra and Major Randhava are seen preparing for their new cadets to arrive and also to meet the new officers which have been sent to the academy especially to teach the new cadets hand to hand combat and martial arts.

Soon a military bus arrives with the new batch of cadets who are going to start their training. This cadets don't even know each other or each other's background or culture but still they all are tied together by a common thread; the thread is their unconditional love for their motherland ; with the dream to do something for their country ; each one of them has their own reason due to which they are joining the force .

As everyone who arrives in the academy, whether a cadet or officer ,has to report to Brig. Malhotra, these new cadets were also called to report and all of off them started moving towards the hall where Brigadier Malhotra along with other faculty members was waiting to welcome the cadets to their new abode . The academy is going to be their new home for the next two years and when this young cadets will pass out after two years , they will be no longer be simple civilians instead they will be trained soldiers of the Indian Army.

As the cadets were moving towards the hall , two men in uniform called them from behind asking if they knew the way to the Brigadier's Office . A member of the faculty present there asked them to join the group and follow him.

One of the two men in uniform started talking to the new cadets and was openly flirting with the girls when one of the girl cadet got annoyed and asked the officer to stop but he ignored her warning and continued annoying her further and atlast one girl couldn't tolerate and in anger , she punched him on his face not once or twice but thrice...

While all this was happening Dr. Randhava , Maj. Randhava and Brig. Malhotra was informed that the new cadets have arrived and all of them are on their way to the main hall.

When the trio reached the main hall , they saw that some ruckus was going on which caused them to look further only to find a girl cadet punching a man in uniform.

And Brigadier Malhotra said in a loud voice " Attention cadets , what's going on? "

And as he said this all the new cadets stood in attention. The girl cadet who a few minutes ago was punching the other man also followed the orders and was now standing in attention. And both the two officers who joined the group of cadets later also saluted the Brigadier and said

"Jai Hind Sir, Major Advik Kumar reporting Sir "

"Jai hind Sir, Captain Kunal Arora reporting Sir".

Brig. Malhotra said " Jai hind Major Kumar & Captain Arora . Relax officers ,Captain Arora could you please elaborate why this new cadet was punching you? "

Captain Arora : Sir, I was just asking the cadets to introduce themselves and just explaining what is expected from them here where they are going to be trained as soldiers , they will no longer be civilians and when just out of nowhere , she started punching me.

Just then, he was interrupted by Major Advik Kumar asking Brigadier Malhotra, " Sir, if you don't mind, may I say something."

Brigadier Malhotra : Sure say what you want to Major.

Advik : Sir, what just Captain Arora said is quite far away from the actual truth . From the moment we joined this group he has done nothing but only flirted with the girls , asking them out more like forcing them to go out with him just because he is their senior when this cadet (pointing towards a girl cadet) asked him to stop all that but he didn't stop , even I was about to tell him when she (pointing towards the girl who punched him) fed up with him , punched him and I feel sir he deserved it." Turning towards that cadet " you have quite strength to punch him off and a very strong will to punish those who do wrong even if they are your seniors, keep the good work cadet I am looking forward to training you."

Cadet: Thank you Sir. My parents have always taught me to stand up if you see something wrong happening In front of you.

Brigadier Malhotra: Definitely cadet, your parents have taught you the right thing but punching a senior officer is not good . A disciplinary action will be taken . Report to me in my cabin after the Introduction.

Another cadet : Sorry to speak in between sir but this is wrong. She didn't do anything wrong.

Brigadier Malhotra: Of course she didn't do anything wrong but she needs to control her anger. And if you wish you can give her company in the disciplinary action.


A/n:  It's by Devilismymiddlename

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