The New Guy

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Peso walked into the school for the first time. He looked around. For his whole life he had been homeschooled, so he didn't know what it would be like. He just stayed quiet most of the time. He was a smart student. Half his periods blew by with ease. Now he was in the cafeteria. He didn't know where to sit because the cafeteria was packed. Eventually, he just sat down. Next to him was a polar bear.

"Are you new here?" He asked. Peso nodded.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"Antarctica." Peso answered.

"I'm from the Arctic," he said. "My name is Barnacles,"

"I'm Peso," Peso said.

"Nice meeting you," he said.

"You too," Peso replied. "What's your next class?" 

"Spanish," he responded. "I'm awful at Spanish."

"I can help." Peso told him. "I have Spanish next too."

After lunch Peso's last periods flew by. He now had a friend.

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