Chapter 6:A thief minused

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Louis was worried. That was because soon ot will be the exhibition. An eveniment were the mages are showing off their familiars as a spectacle.

She was already in luck. Kumagawa didn't outright maimed her because she put him act like a circus bear. But, they were still in wuiet the wonder.

Louis:So, what could you do?

Kumagawa:[Well, I could completly eradicate the academy.]


Kumagawa:[Why, do you care if they die?]

Louis:Well, no, not really. But there will be a person I care about in the jury.

Kumagawa:[Hm, then can you gain some monsters.]

Louis:Well, yes. I can ask, but why?

Kumagawa:[Oh, simple. I'll slaughter them like pigs. In the end, anyone wants to see some violence to bump their blood. That's just how our degenerated generation is.]

They heard an powerful impact. They went to see what happens and there was a earth golem controled by a hooded person. Tabitha was there too.
She was trying to stop the thief.

Louis;That's Foquet!

Kumagawa:[Well, we could give a hand.]

Kumagawa jumped at the golem and screwed it's hand. In response the golem hit him dead on. He was back up imediatly.

He made his way through the golem hits, doging them. He was in the face of Foquet. Said thief casted a spell and a stone spear went through Kumagawa's neck.

Louis screamed in terror and passed out. The golem repetatly stopped reletedly Kumagawa, Fowuet ran away already. At the next stomp Kumagawa stopped it's foot and shattered it.

Kumagawa:[Alright, no more Mr. Nice Minus.]

He made a ball of heat in his hand and completly disintegrate it. Tabitha came down looking at the two.

Kumagawa:[We should take her to her room.]


Kumagawa:[What, me? Oh, don't worry. I've been through much worse.]

Next day the stole of the staff of destruction was discuted by the teachers. The leader of this meeting was the headmaster Osmond.

 The leader of this meeting was the headmaster Osmond

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Therr was his assistent, Matilda Logueville, too.

Therr was his assistent, Matilda Logueville, too

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She was in secret Foquet. She was calm because her plan succeded. She taked care of that familiar too. Four people entered the room. Louis, Kirche, Tabitha and, to her terror, Kumagawa.

She couldn't understand. He should be dead! Not even a magic creature should survive that! She stabbed him through his freaking neck.

Osmond:We finded Foquet's hiding. Who volunteer to go.

Not one proffesor spoke. That really amused Kumagawa.

Kumagawa:[To be expected from the elites. Fine, I'll go.]

Louis:If he's going, then I am too.

Kirche:Don't count me out!

Tabitha:Me too.

Kirche:Tabitha, you don't need to go.

Tabitha:Worried. And interesed.

The last part was in a low whisper. And then she was looking at Kumagawa.

Teacher:But, you're just childrens!

Kumagawa:[Than you'll go?]

The techer froze. Osmond spoke up.

Osmond:Miss Tabitha has the title of chevallier. Miss Zerbst is a powerful fire mage and Miss Valèriere...she...she's coming from the Valèriere family  has great potencial and own a familiar with incredibile abilities.

Kumagawa:[Oh, and about the child part. Maybe I look like this, but in fact I have 25.]


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