The Elephant on the Moon : The meeting

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You have heard of the man on the moon, but have you ever heard of the story of the elephant on the moon? It just so happens that they are interlinked.

What the astronaut team in the U.S. failed to mention to the newspapers of our fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong is his intriguing discovery during his time on the moon. Hours before the lift off, Neil Armstrong was hastily packing for his big trip, all emotions he was feelings exploded all over the place, he nearly forgot the packed lunch his wife prepared for him. Once in the rocket the man on the speakerphone cried out... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And blast off!

Within what felt like a lifetime, Neil the astronaut finally landed on the moon. With great delicacy, Neil took each step at a time shaking a little. With his flag in his hand, he heard thudding, which made the whole moon shake, Neil even started floating. In the distance, the astronaut could see bright lights. In the distance, bringing himself back to ground, Neil followed the lights. As he approached, he noticed a shape of an elephant! This elephant was of the colour green. Was it some form of Alien? Neil hadn't the inner courage to ask. All of a sudden the elephant spoke, in a deep husky voice "Oh hello there! I didn't see you standing! You could give an Ellymoon a fright!" With that being said, Ellymoon gave a loud trumpet that nearly took flew Neil off the moon. " Didn't mean to do that! But my trunk was awfully itchy that it made me sneeze!" Still speechless, the elephant changed from the colour green to purple. "H...ooowww did you change colour? Hhh..ow do you speak?" Neil said in a stutter. " Well... Being a traveller of the galaxies, I have a powerful mind and know everything about everything. What you call colours represent my knowledge", "Amazing!" said Neil in astoundment. "The only thing I haven't seen is your planet, planet Earth.", "I can take you, if you like, but the thing is my rocket cannot fit an elephant in." "That's okay, because I have my own, but it's broken down", "I can go back and get my tools, but can I see it first" And so Ellymoon and Neil went to what looked like a pile of moon rocks in the shape of the creature. Neil scratched his head in thought... As quickly as walking on the moon can be, he bounced back into his rocket, home...

Taking off his spacesuit, dashing past his wife, without even a glance, and grabbed his tools, then sprinted back into his spacesuit and into his spaceship. Arriving back on the moon, with his tools, Neil went to the elephant's space vehicle and off they travelled to Earth. As they landed, something strange happened to Ellymoon, he turned grey and nonverbal. Neil tried talking to Ellymoon, but achieved nothing. Neil the astronaut decided to ride Ellymoon and go travelling around the world. Across America, they visited the skyscrapers of NewYork, the Grand Canyon and the moose in Canada. In Spain they learnt to how to make salsa and dance flamenco. Neil showed Ellymoon the animals on an African Safari where the gatekeeper nearly chased them down, as he believed Neil stole one of his elephants. Neil nearly lost Ellymoon within the other elephants. Since Ellymoon couldn't even trumpet, it was easy to him in the end, scaring them with mice. Also, they could not forget to go see the Pyramids of Egypt, where the visited Tutankhamen's tome.

Back to the rocket station, Neil settled Ellymoon in his space vehicle and Neil took him back to the moon. All of sudden, Ellymoon went back to his normal self! Amazed and incredibly grateful for their trip. Waving Ellymoon off as he ventred off into the next galaxy, Neil smiled like he never smiled before. 

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