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You wake up and get in you dance sweats and go find the girls on the way you get a text from an unknown number
Unknown:hey is this kassidy?
You:hello and yes who are you
Unknown:oh I'm payton
You: oh ok at first I thought some creep got my number lol
You change Payton's name to Payton🥺
Payton🥺:hahaha anyways I was just wondering if I could come to see you at your competition today
You:um ok sure let me get you a ticket
Payton: ok
You:ok I sent it to you
Payton: ok thank you see you soon
You:ok 😊
You find the girls,moms, and Miss.Abby head to the competition you put your makeup on and dance costume on as well
This is what it looks like:

Abby head to the competition you put your makeup on and dance costume on as well This is what it looks like:

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You get all stretched out you get a text from payton Payton🥺: I'm here You: ok I'm about to go on Payton🥺: I cannot wait you see you dance and see you You:me too You are all ready and waiting turn Miss

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You get all stretched out you get a text from payton
Payton🥺: I'm here
You: ok I'm about to go on
Payton🥺: I cannot wait you see you dance and see you
You:me too
You are all ready and waiting turn Miss.Abby comes up to you and says remember what I said you nod and you are very nervous about not placing first because you wanna keep dancing at the ALDC and because payton is there but mostly because you don't wanna leave ALDC. They call you name and you go on stage and do you dance
Your dance:

Payton's POV:
Wow Kassidy was amazing that jump twist thing was fire I knew that she was good but not this good my girl- i mean friend is so perfect

Your POV:
I hope that impressed pay- I mean the judges I can't lose I can't leave the ALDC I have been here for years to be exact I was 2 when I started

I went back to the dressing room and the girls basically tackled me down but Miss.Abby was kinda sorta impressed. No one knows about the if I don't get 1st I'm out thing we were all getting ready for the group dance and you were wearing a pink dress while the girls were in black and the guest dancer was the guy
The group dance

We did great and even Miss.Abby was in tears we were very proud of ourselves but I was still very nervous about my solo

Payton's POV:
They did amazing once again I texted Kassie to meet me in the lobby when they were done with the competition I was very impressed with Kassie and also very excited to see her

Your POV:
I got a text from payton saying to meet him in the lobby and of course I said ok we went back to the stage of awards Group awards 3rd place was Dance Academy 2ed was Dance Unlimited and 1st was ALDC we were all very happy about that. And now they are doing solos 3rd was Natalie Adams 2ed was Kassidy y/l/n (your last name) and 1st Maddie Ziegler you took the award and smiled then you all went to the dressing rooms and Miss.Abby walked up to you and said you are off the team and will never be welcomed to the ALDC again you said yes ma'am took you things and left but you went to the bathroom and started to cry your eyes out

Maddies pov:
I felt very bad because Kassidy's solo was better then mine and Miss.Abby explained what happened and the moms were all yelling at her and it was all a mess they all stoped fighting and we all were in shock that Kassidy was not going to be on the team anymore. I am going to miss Kassidy we have been friends for ever basically since birth.

Payton's POV:
I was in the lobby and I could not if Kassie anywhere. Did she blow me off? Does she not like me? I'm just going to text her to see what is going on I texted her and she texted back that she will meet me in a second. She came to me and I saw that her eyes wear red and puffy. I asked her what is wrong but she didn't say anything she just cried in my chest. I picked her us and took her to my car. I asked her again what is wrong

Your POV:
Payton took me to his car we were in the car and he asked me what was wrong you said I am off the team Payton says WHAT?!? But how you were amazing! I said well me and Miss.Abby made an agreement that if I get first place I can stay on the team and if I don't I am off and never welcomed back. But the thing is, is that is my second home the girls are my sisters and the moms are basically like my mom they always comfort me and make sure that I am ok at all times because...
Payton said come on you can tell me
I said because I live with molly and Kelly. I have abusive parents and I have to live with them again now. And I'm scared
Payton said then stay with me
I responded I can't because I live in Petersburg and not here (your in LA)
He said well I'm so sorry about everything
I responded with it's not your fault. Well this is my hotel. I have to go
He said ok bye
I say bye and going in the hotel and pack to leave I am leaving with the girls I'm just not going back to the ALDC. I pack and fall asleep in my pjs.

Thank you so much for reading I hope that you like it so far! I might post more because I am in a car and have nothing better to do. Do you like it being dance Related? I need suggestions so can you also give me some ideas.
Date that it was written: July 20, 2020

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