going home with babies

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Jack pulled up in their driveway and said " Look what are family did. "
She looked and laughed and said " Wow ."
In the yard was signs and banner going across sayings " Welcome home Montgomery Quads. " pink and blue
She looked at Jack asked " Are you ready Daddy ?"
He smiled and said" Im ready Mommy " As they park the van the front door and everyone came running out to the car.
Linda said " Hi ," helping Andrea out ,Matt open the side door and pick up
Arron and Chris car seats and Robert got the girls car seat .

As they walked Jack said " Honey you got sit down Dr .Moore order for you to heal up." As he helped her sit down on the couch.
Matt and Robert put the car seats down in front of her.
She said" I still cant believe I'm a mother to four beautiful kids. I hope I can raise them right ." Started to cry .
Linda and Martha sat down next to her and linda said " You will be a great mom. All new parents thinks the same thing ." Hugging her .
She looked at her Mom and said "Really you both felts this way ."
Martha said " I was very nervous around Jack but I never would change anything. "
Andrea looked at her kids and said " They very beautiful kids. "

After Put the kids down for a nap Linda Martha comes downstairs and those in the living Room and sees Jack and Andrea on the couch hugging each
Each other.
Linda says " We are going home now, the kids are asleep for now.my advice for you two to get sleep as they are sleeping ." Kissing her daughter head
Jack said" Andrea can't do anything for about 6 weeks. "
Martha asked " Are you sure you can handle by yourself Honey."
Jack said " Yes ,Mom i can ." Going to the door and said " Love you two but I got to get Ann upstairs to bed and check on our babies." As both of left linda said " Now if you need us just call."
He said " I will night." Shutting the door and locked it turned around and said " Now yroung lady its time for you to go to.bed." going up to Andrea.
She laughed and said" Yes ,Daddy ." As he helped her up the Stairs and put her to bed and said " I will be right back im going to check on the kids " Kissing her head.
He left the room and walked in the nursery, looked in the cribs and said " Me and Mom loves you four so much .Your Mom is very special to me one day when you are older, I will tell you the story how we met. Hate each other fall love ,got married and had you four,now please sleep through the night. I love Arron Chris,Laura and Missy." Kiss them on their head soft ,not to awake them.
About two in the morning they heard crying .
Andrea woke up and said " Ill get up."
Jack said " No ,you are to rest dr.order." Getting up ,putting on his PJ'S on
He walked in the nursery and seen the boys was crying. He put up Arron and fed him and burn him and pick up.Chris and fed him. Then the girls started to cry .
He put Chris back in his crib and said " Im coming girls ."
He heard " Need help." He turned around there was Andrea .
He said " You are supposed to bed." Picking up Laura .
She walked over to Missy. She sat down in the chair ,he took Laura over to Andrea abd put her in her arms.
She looked at Laura and said " You are so beautiful Laura ." As Jack pick up Missy and sat down in another chair.
He said " All four of our babies are cute "
She looked at him and asked " How are we going to this ?" 
He said" We can do this." Smiled at her .
As they are holding the girls, they are felling asleep in their arms .Jack put Missy back in her crib and came up Andrea to take Laura ,he looked at see his wife was asleep with baby in her arms .

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