Chapter 21

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His hands are warm on my back and his neck smells amazing as my head is buried in his shoulder, the tears soaking his suit.

"Thank you," I whisper and he takes one hand away from my waist to hold my head up.

His gaze flickers over my face and them meets my eyes, making me look down shyly.

"For what?" He asks.

"For kissing me," I answer like it's the most obvious things ever and he chuckles as I finally notice the small dimples on his cheeks.

He doesn't say anything else, a comfortable silence falling between us -so to occupy myself I stretch my hand to grip the other full alcohol bottle that's on the counter. I struggle a little because I'm stuck in his warm embrace -when I finally reach it I bring it to my mouth to drink but a hand stops me.

The whole process from seeing Marianne until this moment is still blurry. At first, the confusion and daze were caused by anxiety and then they ended up aggravating because of the alcohol but although my mind is entering the same paralysis state I'm very much familiar with I acknowledge one thing for sure, one thing that's floating outside of that state and that thing is the fact that I kissed Mr. Anthony.

"No, you've had enough. You need to rest." He scolds me, snatching the bottle away from my hands and slamming it onto the counter, not in an angry manner but in an exhausted one.

It's hard to deal with an alcoholic, I know that very well. I don't want him to feel like I felt when I had to deal with my drunk father so I let him take the wine away from me to avoid making him more upset.

He stands up from where he was sitting on the stool -me between his legs- and puts his hands under my armpits to keep me on my feet.

I drunkenly giggle because that area is ticklish.

"Come on. Jump a little." He tells me and puts his hands under my thighs, picking me up so that my legs wrap around his waist. Although his hands are secured under my legs I still feel anxious about falling so for support I wrap my arms around his broad shoulder and rest my head there, a stupid smile on my face.

"Where are we going?" I childishly ask excited and look up at him with what I would call a goofy face. I'm aware of what's happening, I know where I am and what happened but I can't control what I'm doing.

"You need to sleep." He answers and I can only analyze his face for a little while he's walking out of the barroom and into the hall.

I quickly kiss his cheek while he hold me to his hip like a little child.

Fortunately, we pass the ballroom without anyone seeing us.

"Am I not heavy?" I ask while keeping my eyes on him although I see him double because of my blurry vision.

"You're like two times smaller than me, Lucas, stop worrying." He says and even though his voice wasn't scolding or mean I still frown at how harsh my name sounds coming from his lips. It's maybe because I'm not used to my full name.

We finally come to a stop and I take my head off his shoulder to look around and notice that we are in front of his bedroom. I recognize the door that is a little bit different than the others in this house.

"I sleep here?" I ask as he enters the room.

"Where else?"

"The guest bedroom or something," I state when he crouches down on his knees in front of his bed, placing me down but then I remember something very important. How could I forget my biggest responsibility?

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