Brown Paw

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   You and Jungkook were finding ways to get in touch with moon goddess for a month now but still couldn't find anything. You were sitting in your packs library like always for a past month. Out of nowhere Jungkook ran to the library finding you. When he saw you he ran to you. He was out of breath so you waited. When you saw him better you asked:
  - What's wrong, did something happened?
  - I have good new!
  - Then spill the beans!
  - I reached out to few other pack that we are friends with us so that they could help us and one of the packs alphas sent me a letter about a book that he has about moon goddess. He said it's a really old book so it may have the answer.
  - Are you serious right now!?
  - Of course I am! I wouldn't joke about this!
  - Then which pack is it?
  - It's Brown paw pack.
  - It's a bit far away but not that far. So let's go! It's still early, so we will be there before dinner if we leave now.
  - Yes, I already informed the pack and my father about our journey.
  - Let's go!!

   You were already in the Brown paw's borders when you already couldn't carry yourself anymore. Jungkook saw it and said:
  - You shouldn't have come. You are pregnant Y/N.
  - No! If it can save my children I will do anything, even if it will kill me.
- I'm impressed. You are only 18 and you are so responsible. I think you matured too early.
  - Jokes on you, Jungkook, now let's go,- you wanted to start walking but Jungkook stopped you:
  - Turn into your human form, I will carry you from here. I don't want to risk anything,- you just nodded and after turning back you got on his huge black wolf. In no time you both got to the alpha's head courters. The friendly aphla greeted you both and gave you dinner.
  After the dinner and a bit of talking alpha gave you the book. At first you read together but soon Jungkook fell asleep. You were tired too but the hope of saving your child didn't let you sleep. The book was really thick and most of the sentences you had to read at least a few times before understanding it fully. The sun was already up when you were half of the book in. Jungkook woke up and was schocked that you weren't sleeping. There were notes all over the table that you were reading on. Jungkook got up and slowly closed the book but before that putting one of the notes so you knew were you stopped reading. You looked at Jungkook and said with a weak voice:
  - Jungkook, I have to f-
  - You will finish it after you had slept. It's not healthy for you and our children that you don't sleep,- you gave up and went to bed. Jungkook quickly went besides you to sleep more because it was only 5 in the morning. You got closer to him and asked him:
  - Do you think we will succeed?
  - Of course we will! If we will have hope and won't give up we will succeed, it's can't go any way differently. An innocent lives are on the line. There is no way that I will give up!
  - Can I kiss you?
  - You don't need to ask for that, love,- with those words you both kissed and after your sweet and passionate kiss you both fell to a deep sleep.

Different Mate / Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now