Decide nick!

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"This is st8 bullshit " I said throwing my phone across lulu room.

And yes I'm still with lulu , but not for long 😉.

"Bae stop throwing things" lulu said

That made me gag .

"No ! Why did you send this!" I said showing her the shade room notifications.

"I didn't I swear on my moms grave, I didn't. It was probably that omi namora or whatever her name is. But she had the AuDaCiTy to dm you saying "nIcK I'm sorry I miss you and shit" lulu said serious

"Oh ok" I simply said and walked away

I know it was Naomi to , she ain't slick.

Naomi 💕😘😁

Naomi~read 2:20 am 

What? 🤨

I just wanted to talk damn.


Because I know you hacked lulu Instagram account.~read 2:30 am

Oh she wanna leave an nigga on read Ight . 

4 AM!

I was at Naomi house with the boys watching bird box.

(If y'all didn't watch that gtfo 😱)

Then all of sum the girls walk in shocked asf and scared like they seen the Holy Ghost.

"What's up with y'all" Codae said

"Bae what do you mean what's up with us y'all scared us ! How y'all even get in" jayla said with her scary ass.

"Spare key" we all said still watching the movie

"Where y'all go" jay said

"Minding our business " Naomi fine self said as she came in the house with an ak-47 pink gun .

"What the fuck" we all said scared  except the girls.

"What ?" She said cleaning her gun.

Oh hell nawl they must be in a gang if they just killed sum body and cleaning guns!

"Who y'all kill" glizzy said

"Unn unn namira how he know " the girls said looking at her

"Bc he forced me to answer when he found our secret gun room" she said

"Gun room" all the boys said expect glizzy

"Yea they in a gang just like us" glizzy said scratching the back of his head.

"Oh hell nawl , y'all cutting this shit down A.S.A.P. " Codae and jay said grabbing they girls and leaving the house.

And glizzy and namira just went to her room. Which leaves me and Naomi .

It was awkward, so I got up to get ready to go home.

"Wait nick!" She said and kiss me and obviously 🙄 I kissed back and took her upstairs and locked the door.

"Nick before we do this. Decide nick! " she said

" I want you " I said 

And she took my phone and FaceTime lulu 

"Tell her" she said as lulu answered moaning and shit

"Eww but lulu.... I'm breaking up with you"

It was meant to be ❤️💕Where stories live. Discover now