Welcome to Saunders

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Saunders Tankery
Practice Field.
3:15 P.M.

Kay, with Helmet-Chan, stood outside of the garages watching four M4 Sherman's roll towards them. Sitting atop each tank was a Veteran of the Saunders Corp.

{"Just a little further, Cadet!"} Kay heard the first Sherman's Vet say to the Newbie driver through the portable radio she had. '

Poor girl.' Kay thought to herself. Sitting in the drivers position was a freshman, who's eyes were just above the divers hole. This brought a smile to the Veteran Commanders face. What would Darjeeling say here? "We have shared the incommunicable experience of war. We have felt, we still feel, the passion of life to its top! In our youths, are hearts were touched with fire." Oliver Wendell Holmes. Hmm, something like that.' The four Sherman's pulled up to the front of the large garage. All hatches on all Sherman's opened up and the sixteen training cadets tiredly pulled them selves up and through. Some where helped down my their friends. One girl completely collapsed on the engine deck. Kay stepped forward and climbed up into the first Sherman.

"Alright gals, gather round!" She said enthusiastically. The sixteen tired freshman slowly gathered. Kay knew their thoughts. Thought of her own Crew Test three years prior.

Once everyone had gathered around, she began.
"You guys did great today! I couldn't have been prouder! However, there is much, much, to work on. But I'm confident in your ability to make the changes and adapt! Welcome to Saunders!" She said giving them a big Saunders-Thumbs-Up and a large grin and wink, which made Some of the freshman look a little happier. She turned to the lead Veteran who was sitting behind her on the roof of the turret. "Sergeant, I'll leave the rest to you." She said before hopping down.
Behind her the sergeant said,

"Alright, we'll be posting your crew positions and assign you to Tank Crews tomorrow. Also, the Chieftain will be here as well tomorrow, so no bitching if you didn't get the spot you wanted! Am I clear?!" She yelled.

A resounding "YES MA'AM" came from the sixteen girls.

'Damn, Nancy. Take it easy. Your starting to sound like Lynette.' Kay thought to herself. She walked up to Helmet-Chan.

"Inform me when the Commanders are ready, will ya?" She asked.

"Sure thing." She said with a smile. Helmet-Chan was just shorter then Kay, About the same height as Alisa, but much shorter then Naomi. "Do you remember your first Crew Test?" Helmet-Chan asked Kay as she began to turn away.

"How can I forget! I still have the scars!" Kay called back as she began walking into the Garages.

Kay remembered back to that day. It had been a sunny April afternoon, with a light wind. Kay remembered how loud the Tanks had been. While others put their hands over their ears, she didn't. A fire lit in her eyes, and something burned bright in her.
She made her way toward her office, which was in the back of the garages. She passed Vet crews doing maintenance on their Tanks. Some waved and said hi, while others, to busy in their work, didn't.
She made her way to her office door. She opened it and entered. Instantly, the loud bangs and yells of the garages disappeared. As if someone flipped a switch turning the noise off. The joys of noise canceling walls. She took note of the room. It hasn't changed much since her first year. Two desks in the back corner for the two VC's, two large book shelves on either side of the white room, a large desk for the Commander that sat in front of a large window exposing the garage floors.
To her delight, she saw Naomi and Alisa, her two Vice Commanders, Sitting on the couch with a large Saunders Red book.

"So, how'd they do?" Alisa asked.

"Better then your class did, that's for sure." Kay said in a sarcastic tone.
"You mean no one flipped a tank? Shame." Naomi said coolly.
Kay made her way to her desk.
"HEY! That was an accident! The road gave way..." Alisa said defensively. Naomi patted her hair apathetically.
"Mhm, sure." Naomi said.
"You are the only person in Saunders history to ever flip a tank from just driving it." Kay said taking a seat behind her desk.

Kay, and the Sherman CorpWhere stories live. Discover now