I am Kay!

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Saunders Tankery
6:00 P.M.

They stood in darkness. The great looming Garage hanger stood in front of them, like a huge black mountain. A cold wind blew over the wide Tankery grounds, swirling around the group of Cadets.

Kei pulled her jacket tighter. Nancy, who deiced she wasn't going to need a jacket, was holding onto Kei for dear life as she shivered. She wasn't the only one.

After they had found out their Crew Positions, they were told there would be no practice that afternoon, but they were all to report to the Garage at 6:00 that night. They were here now, alone and cold.

"I thought we were having our graduation ceremony!" One of the girls whined.

'Was this all a prank...?' Kei thought to herself.

Suddenly, bright spotlights illuminated the ground around the First-Years. Surrounding them, were several Trucks with spotlights attached and were manned by Vets, while other Vets surrounded them.

"Welcome!" Said a familiar voice over the loud speaker, "To GRADUATION!"

An eruption of applause rang out around the First-Years.

A figure stepped into the light. It was Jessica! She wasn't wearing her normal School Uniform. Instead, she wore a pair of black boots, Blue Jeans and a Red Satin Jacket. She also wore a black shirt with white lettering. Which read:



"You have each proven yourself to be worthy to join the Saunders Sherman Corp!" She said. another round of applause. "It is now time to assign you to a Tank and give you your New American-ized name!"

Kei couldn't help but feel the enthusiasm. It was so vibrant and strong.

"What about War Names?" A girl in the First Year crowd asked.

"Ahh, Good question! That will be given to you by your new Tank crew whenever they feel like you deserve it." Jessica answered. "Now! when I call your name, please step forward." She said. And she began. Kei watched as Jessica would call a student forward, assign them to a tank, and usher them to a Chevrolet G-506, where they would enter and emerge with anew pair of Dog-tags. After, they would go stand with their new crew. They were all assigned to the B-Corp, something in which every Cadet figured would happen.

The group of Freshmen dwindled down until there was only a handful left. Among these were Kei, Nancy, and Naomi.

Jessica turned back to the remaining Freshmen."Douglas, Kei!" She yelled out. Kei bounded forward, happy and excited. Not a nervous bone in her body. Nancy cheered her on, as Naomi sulked in the back.

"Kei, I am assigning you to Tank AC2, as a Bow Gunner," Jessica said. There was a hushed quiet after Jessica assigned Kei to her new tank. Kei understood why. Now she felt nervous. "Tank AC2" stood for: "TANK A CORP 2". Meaning that this was the second Command Tank in the A Corp.  This Tank belonged to...

A hand rested on Kei's shoulder. She looked up to see a smiling Meg.

"B-but I'm a freshman!" Kei blurted out.

"Yup!" Meg said. She began ushering Kei Towards the Truck. They climbed into the back to find Drill Sergeant Lynnette, who was sitting next to a girl who sat behind an old looking machine.

"Oh, hello, Kei." She greeted Kei with a smile. This was weird. No one in Cadet Corp had seen Lynnette smile.

"H-hi..." Kei said. She still couldn't wrap her head around what was happening.

Kay, and the Sherman CorpWhere stories live. Discover now