Chapter One: Grazes and Gazes

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Y/N was eight when she first laid eyes on John Shelby; he was a year older, and to her at the ripe age of eight seemed light years older.

The first time she saw him was on the corner of Watery Lane when her and her parents unloaded the wagon containing all of their lives belongings into their new home. John was running from Arthur, smile bright and eyes twinkling in light mischief as Arthur hurtled after him; the older brother shouting after him.

John turned, too preoccupied with trying to put as much distance from himself and his brother to notice that he was hurting towards Y/N; only realising as his body crashed into hers, the force of it sending her flying backwards with a loud cry.

John looked mortified as he saw the young girl  bring her hands up to her face; dark crimson liquid coating the palms of her hands- her face scrunched up in shock, lower lip trembling ever so slightly before a grin broke out across her face; eyes coated in light tears but amusement all the same. John watched on in a mixture of concern and confusion watching as the girl burst out laughing. John's mouth opened and closed in shock before he started rambling an apology,

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you 'cos I was running, I didn't mean to knock you over or nothin'!"

Before the young girl could explain, her parents came bounding towards her- eyes glancing between the two children. Her father was the first to speak,

"What's going on 'ere, ay?"

Y/N glanced towards John before her eyes travelled up towards her father; a toothy grin breaking out on her face as she spoke,

"He fell into me and I fell over, but I didn't cry or nothin', I was brave. LOOK!" she exclaimed, bringing her bloody palms up to show her parents.

Her father looked towards her mother and they both laughed lightly,

"You were so brave, sweetheart," her mother cooed, placing a light kiss to her forehead.

John sat still; eyes admiring the scene before him, a soft smile on his face before he spoke up quietly,

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to hurt or nothin' I was just running form-"

"JOHN BOY? WHERE ARE YA?" a loud voice boomed behind him before Arthur appeared next to him,

"You been gettin' into trouble again, ay?" Arthur enquired.

Y/N's mother smiled over at him, hand outstretched for him to shake as she spoke,

"It's a pleasure to meet you! The kids here had a little fall, nothing to worry about- perhaps they'll be seeing a lot more of each other, Mr-"

"Shelby," Arthur smiled, taking her hand and shaking it before doing the same to her husband,

"Shelby," she finished.

"As long as the little lady is okay and John ain't been causin' no harm," Arthur ventured

"I'm okay! LOOK!" Y/N smiled at the older boy, showing Arthur her hands where rhe now dried blood coated her skin

Arthur chuckled before taking one, "Ay, proper war wound! You'll be off fighting for the country one day!" he exclaimed,

Y/N laughed before tutting, "Noooo. Don't be silly!" 

Arthur smiled again, eyes travelling over to John before be clasped his hands over his shoulders,

"John boy, why don't you help these nice folks unload the rest of their stuff, hey? Proper apology for knocking down the little lady?"

John nodded, a shy smile directed at Y/N as she laughed and grabbed his hand, leading him to the back of the wagon and reaching up to get a box.

Her parents watched on amused at the two young children,

"Thank you, Mr. Shelby," Y/N's father spoke towards Arthur,

"Call me Arthur," he replied, "We live just down the street, number twelve, you just give us a shout if you need anything, ask for Polly, that's me Aunt, tell her Arthur sent ya."

Y/N's mother and father both smiled, thanking him,

"We'll make sure your brother gets home safely. Thank you again, Arthur," Y/N's mother beamed.

Arthur nodded before turning to walk back down the street, smiling as he heard the screaming and laughing of the two children. From then on, Y/N and John were inseparable. 

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