-Chapter 1-

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Hi this is my first fanfic so I would love to get constructive criticism
It takes place after book 9 charming is mayor again and humans live in Ferryport Landing  again. 
Disclaimer: I don't own Sisters Grimm
Edited Version

A/N: This chapter was further edited June 25, 2016

     "Wake up, wake up,"I hear Daphne practically scream in my ear, as she shakes me awake,"It's New Years Eve, wake up!"
     "Ugh, five more minutes," I grumble and turn over putting my pillow over my head.
     After a few minutes of clinging on to my last minutes of sleep I get up and stretch my arms, still sore from putting up decorations all day yesturday.  Upon opening my eyes for the first time today I see the blurry numbers on my alarm clock that read ten thirty-six. No wonder Daphne was awake.  I over slept, I was supposed to wake up at eight to get ready for the New Years party that starts in twenty minutes.      
     I run to to bathroom to be confronted by a locked door and horror spreads across my face when I realize the only other bathroom is in Pucks room.
     I'm sure he's never used it, so I guess it's safe. 
     I slowly creep up to his door which has his numerous death threats on it and open the door to his "room".  I walk in expecting a trap or prank to be waiting for me.  I check the area around me thoroughly, making sure there is nothing to delay me even further.  When I see there is nothing there I run over to his bathroom behind the water fall looking exactly the way it was when it was created.
     I get undressed and hop into the shower, when I finished I wrap my dirty clothes around me, and step out ready to run back to my room when I see Puck right in front of the waterfall in his green hoodie setting off bottle rockets mumbling something about a stupid new years party.                                      
     what should I do
     "Puck," I yell unsure of what exactly I'm doing.
     "Grimm?"he says looking in my direction with a face of confusion. 
     "I had to take a shower and the other bathroom was being used and I was going to be late so I used yours," I rambled on confused of what was happening.
     After about a minute passed by without a reply I continue towards my room only to get a face full of glob and to hear puck and his chimpanzee army laughing in direction.
     "Puck!" I yelled. 
     "Yes Grimm?" he said with a half grin. 
     I walked right up to him and attempted to punch him but he flew out of the way and hit my head with the hilt of his wooden sword.
     "It's on now fairy boy, "I said as I lunged at him again with my hand in a fist and hit him in the stomach.


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