By Chance

108 8 4

Sorrows Pov

I sighed, clicking my alarm off and looked around. My walls were

painted black with band posters covering them. I cringed. My dark wood floors was bare. No clothes littered the floors. My dresser and desk were much the same. I sat up slowly, careful not to hurt my back that was covered with bruises. I feel dead.

I turned and looked out the window, sunlight hittting my face, making me scowl with annoyance. The sunlight doesnt burn or kill us, but it annoys the crap out of us. I hate it.

Grabbing my towel I walked into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. Letting the scolding hot water wash the sleep away.

Then I proceeded to my hair. It worked perfectly fine everytime I fixed it. Blow dried and styled, black, long hair fell right to my shoulders. I slugged over to my dresser and through on a black Motionless in White t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my black converse. I felt like I forgot something. Oh yeah. I put my black jacket on(to cover my ugly scars) like it was life and death and headed out the door to school.

Why cant I be normal, I thought.

Because you are nothing, a voice said. Thats why your drunken dad doesnt even notice you. And when he does, he beats you senceless. Even better you killed your own mother while you were being born. You deserve it. You dont deserve to even breath.

My phone buzzed, snapping me out of a war with myself. A war I was bound to lose.

"Are you coming to school today?" It was Jace. One of the Antisocial Moths. A group of "Emo Vampires" in the community. He tries to help me wih all my problems even though they still come back. Waiting to attack. Jace was the one who found me dying in a lonely, dark forest dying. Bleeding to death. He bit me. He let me ylive not even knowing who I was. I could have been some psycho freak, wanting to kill him. But he still did it.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Okay. Are you okay?"


"Okay. Wynter is coming to see us today. Just thought I would let you know. See you in a little bit. He hung up the phone and I put mine away.

I gulped. Wynter. The person who is friends with Adam. Adam is the guy who beats and teases me everyday for being a "gay emo". Some days for no reason at all. Just for the fun of it.

I slowly turned the corner and seen my friends. Jace, Skylar, Demi, Aqua, and Jacksyn. Wynter was not in sight. Thank God.

I ran up the stairs to the top and Aqua started acting psycho as usual. Jumping up amd down. Happy to see that I am still alive. "Hey" They all said.

"Hi" I said and sat in the corner, knees to my chest and head down. Hiding from the world.

Unfortunatly, Jace could still see me and sat next to me. I loved him near. His energy made me less somber. But today I wished i was alone.

Wynters POV

I walked up the bleachers stairs and looked at everybody. A girl with blue and green hair. wearing black leggings and a black t-shirt was sitting on a blonde haired guy with a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. They looked at me. The girl looked terrified and the guy was the total opposite. He glared with hatred. A black girl with black hair, wearing zebra leggings and a yellow hoodie, was sitting next to a guy with black shoulder length hair. He was wearing a black BVB shirt and black skinny jeans. They were to into there flirting to care I was even there.

I went over to Jace sitting next to a really cute guy. Wait. What? Im not gay. You cant think he is cute. I sat next to the cute... uh.... the other guy and said hello.

The other guy put his head in his knees and started shaking.

"Is he okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah he is just cold" Jace said.

Jace started pointing here and there naming the people. "The girl with blue hair is Aqua." Kind of figured. Her hair is blue. "The blonde guy was Skylar. Her boyfriend. The girl with zebra leggings was Beyonce.The guy she was flirting with was Jacksyn." Of course there dating. Then the little guy shaking next to me was Sorrow. Jace got up because Aqua wanted something.

I was left alone with Sorrow. He was still shaking. I felt an urge to hold him. Protect him. Even from the cold.

A Sorrowful ReflectionWhere stories live. Discover now