Chapter 43

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Chloe's POV

Me and Mia ran back to my house quickly. When we went inside we found a stressed out Rosie and a pacing Lola. When they heard the door closed they all looked up and ran to us and hugged us.

Lola and Rosie held us tighter than everyone else. "Huh guys can't breathe." I said they backed away. "We thought he took you two." Rosie said "We was worried." Lola said.

"What happened?" Dani asked "When we split up I knew he was going to follow me and Mia so we took the alley ways to your house Rose and I left Mia there. Then I ran to an alley and it was a dead end then when he was close enough I kicked him in the shin and balls, punched him in the jaw and pushed him on the floor and ran to get Mia." I explained.

"Chloe don't ever do that shit again. You could've gotten hurt." Rosie said her voice raising at the end a little bit. "I know that Rosie but I had to get Mia somewhere safe." I said "I know that Chloe because I would've did the same for Lola but you have to think about you own safety first Chloe." She said getting angry.

"I can take care of myself and I couldn't live with myself if Mia got hurt Rosie." I said raising my voice, Lola was about to say something but Dani and Elle stopped her and I'm glad that they did because it's never a good idea to get in between me and Rosie arguments. Abigail had the mistake of doing that and that's how I broke up with her.

"Yeah I know that Chloe your to nice for your own good, I know you would've blamed your self Chloe if she got hurt but what if we didn't take those classes, what if he was stronger than you. Chloe your not thinking about your safety. Chloe I'm thankful for what you did but I wouldn't have lived with myself if something bad happened to you because I wasn't there to save you." Rosie said letting tears roll down her face.

I pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry Rosie but I had to do it because I took the classes twice just to make sure that I was ready for a something like that. I'm sorry that I worried you but I'll try to put myself first but I couldn't let anything happen to her." I said wiping Rosie's tears.

"I love you bestie." She said "I love you too." I said smiling. "Chloe,Rosie" My mom said slowly "We're fine mom." I said. Mom came out of the kitchen "Okay good because I didn't want another Abigail incident." She said. "What happened?" Mia asked.

"Well here's a key facts never get in between their arguments because they will snap on you." Mom said pausing for a bit. "So last year we was at a family reunion when they started arguing.....

"Leave her Chloe." An angry Rosie said "Not now Rosie I have to wait until we get home." Chloe said "No Chloe do it now we don't go home until a week we're on vacation." "That's exactly why I can't do it." Chloe said rubbing her forehead. "Chloe you saw her cheating on your for crying out loud. Leave her Chloe she's no good for you." Rosie said. Chloe was about to say something but Abigail interrupted.

"Hey babe d-" Chloe interrupted her "Don't you dare 'Hey babe' me you bitch I caught you cheating on me with my cousin so that's who you can go call babe. I'm done with us the only thing you wanted from me was money. Well guess what I'm not getting played by you anymore and I'll be dammed if I ever turned out to be like you." An angry Chloe said before angrily walking off.

"And that was in front of the whole family." Dani said "That's why we stopped you we know sometimes Chloe say stuff that she regrets after she said it." Elle said "Yeah but I don't regret breaking up with Abigail I mean that was harsh but she was out of my life." I said "What happened with you and Rosie after that?" Lola asked.

"Them two." She said pointing to the twins "Locked us in the room until we made up." Rosie said "And it work didn't it?" Elle said "Yeah it did after we was done plotting our revenge." I said smiling "Yeah you was but you didn't do it because we're your favorite cousins." Dani said "Who told you that?" I asked "We told ourselves and everyone else in the family." Said Danielle.

"Alright you kids go to bed." My mom said before walking out. "Good night." We all say to each other before going our separate ways.

Me and Lola take a quick shower and brushed our teeth before getting in bed and falling asleep cuddling.

I wake up and it's still dark. I look at the time it's 1:10 am. I noticed Lola's spot is empty, I get up and start looking for her I find her in the backyard smoking. I quietly sit next to her.

"What's on your mind?" I asked her "I'm just worried about everyone especially you." She said blowing the smoke out of her mouth. "And your worries are turning into stress." I said laying my head on her "Yeah it is." She said putting her cigarette out. "Don't worry we'll be out of here tomorrow well today and away from him. Come to bed when your ready." I said kissing her cheek.

"I will, love you." "Love you too." I said before going back inside, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading to bed. After drinking the water I got in bed but not falling asleep. I only fell asleep after Lola came back in the room and went in the bathroom to brush her teeth.

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