[Chapter Five]

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And have each other nearby, they did. They hardly left each other's side. They were becoming best friends.

Parlsona had hated Maggpi, when she was on Air Island. But now that she was finally able to talk to her, and see who she really was besides the girl that stole Tawkerr's heart, she was actually really nice. She was always asking her how she was doing, if she was okay, that she could talk to her if she needed to.

Part of Parlsona knew she would need that one day.

But, it was another beautiful day at the bottom of the sea, and she wouldn't be needing it for quite some time.

Maggpi and Parlsona were laying down on the ground, doing the underwater equivalent of looking at clouds, which was looking at the shadows of deep sea leviathans moving overhead.

"That one's pretty big...but it has a small head." Maggpi murmured.

"How do you know that's its head?" Parlsona asked.

Maggpi paused, deep in thought. "Actually, you're right, it might not be its head."

"It could be its tail." Parlsona suggested.

"Hmmm, maybe..." Maggpi wondered, deep in thought. "It's got a really stubby little tail."

"Look at that one!" Parlsona exclaimed. "It's huge!"

"Wow, look at the dorsal fins on that big guy." Maggpi commented. "That's one of the biggest ones I've seen."

"If you look really closely, you can see the slightest glimpse of the shimmer of its gills." Parlsona gushed.

Maggpi squinted as hard as she could.

"Oh, yeah, I can see it."

Parlsona gave a soft smile, leaning back. These times were her favorite times, content to just watch the world flow by, with Maggpi by her side.

And as they laid in silence, Maggpi having her eyes closed, humming sweetly, Parlsona couldn't help but smile at her.

She had seen Maggpi on Water Island previous to them becoming friends. She was always so sad looking, moping around and such. Looking at all the beautiful coral must've made her feel better.

For Parlsona, it was just having the peace of mind that Tawkerr wasn't dating a bitch.

And the fact that she had a friend, of course.

Then, Maggpi opened her green eyes, and Parlsona couldn't help but stare.

They did look like the shiniest of emeralds, glimmering in the sea waves. They held such beauty, beauty she probably didn't even know she had. It amazed Parlsona how she could be so lovely, and not even know it. Her eyes had a sparkling innocence to them, in that way.

"Parlsona?" Maggpi asked. "Are you okay?"

Parlsona snapped out of it. "Y-yes!" She replied with a nervous smile.

She probably shouldn't have been staring at her while her eyes were open.

"Alright...just let me know if you need anything." Maggpi said, looking away. Parlsona felt awkward as she, too, looked away.


It was a little while later. It was time for Parlsona and Maggpi to sing their song. They were standing up in front, all of the other monsters gathered around in a large group.

Oaktopus, Blabbit, Quibble, and Shellbeat started to play, starting the intro to the song.

Parlsona looked to Maggpi with an encouraging smile. Maggpi gave a nervous one back.

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