3- whats it like?

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i read through the document once more.
"she's the daughter of one of the richest men in new york. he said she was, an issue. he paid for her college before he realized she would only waste his money and ruin his life." my boss says, calming down now.
"i don't need a backstory." i say keeping my eyes on the computer.
"i know i know. i just want to make you as comfortable as possible considering this is- new terrain."
"thanks." i say, half meaning it.
"well i'll leave you to it! toodle-loo." he says as the door cuts him off.
i let out of a sigh of relief. my boss can be a bit much. but i don't let it distract me. i need to get ready to work.

on each document is a list of the target's "interests" you could say. she likes girls with red lipstick and... suits? i've never had to wear a suit for a job, but i'm not complaining. i adorn my red lipstick and put on my deep blue suit. i decide to wear my black heels as well. i also wear a small earpiece that allows me to communicate with my supervisor, david. he makes sure i can make it back once i contact the target.

contacting the target takes meditation and extreme focus. some are easier than others. i'm curious to see how i'll do today considering it's a female target this time. i go to my meditation room, which is just a white sound proofed room. i sit down in my chair. and begin to meditate.


M: "i've contacted the target!"
D: "already?"
M: "yep. i'm in"

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