FIRST V-LIVE TOGETHER (wait for the surprise in the end)

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* One sunday morning, V and Yn are at Yn's place waiting for Jk and Jimin to arrive as they planned to have their brunch together*
V: What are you wearing? *shook*
Yn: *giggles* Modern hanbok, male collection.
V: Jungkook bought that? Seriously you two!
Yn: *laughs* it's comfortable. I like it.
V: Yn? I want to go on live with you. If you are okay with it.
Yn: I don't mind. *smiles*
V: *turns on the live sitting on the kitchen counter, with a view of the living room to the audience*
V: *reading the comments*
V: Is this our dorm? No I am at Yn's, JK and Jimin are on their way. We are going to have brunch together.
*reading comments again*
V: Where's Yn? And am I not going to show her? *chuckles*
V: She's in the kitchen, behind the lens. *looking over to her*
*Armies can hear Yn's voice, while she's talking on the phone*
Yn: When are you going to reach? *pauses* You're here already? Okay. Come up.
V: They're here?
Yn: Yes. They'll be here in 5 min.
V: Jungkook and Jimin are here everyone.
Yn: *Calling from the bedroom* Taessi?
V: *looks over to his left while on camera but doesn't reply back* *looks at the camera and smirks, whispers to the camera* I'll act like I'm ignoring her.
Yn: Taessi?
V: *talking to the audience* She still calls me taessi. *acting like he's sulking*
Armys POV: Awwww, why is he so cute.
Yn: *comes to the door* Yaa, can't you hear me? *no response* Taesssi?
V: *still ignoring*
Yn: *teasing him* Jaagi?
V: *immediately* Yes?
Yn: *laughing* Yaaa, such a dramatic person.
V: *flashes his boxy smile to the camera*
Armys: Also, laughing and excited for all the meme content they are about to get from V and Yn.
V: Come here. Say hi.
Yn: *comes in front of the camera* Hello everyone.
* The hearts pop up immediately on the screen looking at both of them*
Yn: *chuckles* That's so many hearts. *makes a heart with her hands*
V: *makes a half heart and waiting for Yn to finish it while she's busy looking at the screen.*
*The door opens revealing Jk and Jimin.*
Yn: Ah , you're here? *goes to take the food from them, doesn't pay much attention to Tae's half heart*
V: *pouts and puts his hand down* She has a tunnel vision for food.
Armys: *laughing*
Yn: Jkkkkkkkk! We are wearing the same thing!! *excited*
V: *looks back, while Jimin walks to the screen and greets the armys*
Jk: Ah baja! I bought this along with it.
Jimin: *to V* I can't understand these two. They either fight or behave like this. Always in extremes.
V: I know right? *sighs looking at the camera*
*Jk and Jimin are opening the food behind the camera, Yn walks to tae*
* Yn pushes him aside a little from the stool, to sit along with him* * V moves to side giving space*
Yn: *makes a half heart with hand and shows to tae* You thought I didn't notice? *smiles*
Armys: Uwu. These two are too cute to handle.
V: *brings up his  hand completing the heart with their fingers and smiles looking at her, while she smiles looking at the camera, as if she's posing*
V: *chuckles* What are you doing? *still smiling at her*
Yn: I'm posing *they are going to click a photo for us*
V: *laughs* Aarasssoo. *Leans his head sideways resting on hers, smiles at the camera*
Jk: stop being lovey dovey and help us.
Yn: Yeah, go help them taessi. You should be more considerate.
V: *triggered* You need to help too.
Yn: *laughing* It's so easy to trigger you.
V: *sulking* No it's not.
Yn: *laughing looking at him* Oh really? You are sulking already.
V: *walking away* No I'm not.
Yn: *laughs* *whispering to the camera* Did you see that? And he thinks he's not a baby.
Armys POV: You go Yn! We love this! Also crying😂
V: *shouting from distance* I can hear you Yn!
Armys: Enjoying the live so far.
Yn: *reading comments* Am I wearing a hanbok? Yes, it's from the male collection. Jk bought it for me. He also wore it today coincidentally.
Jk: *comes infront of the camera* Don't try to steal my spotlight Yn.
Yn: As if you have one over you.
Jimin: Don't start it again. *yelling at them*
V: *comes back to the view, standing beside Jk with his arm over his shoulder*
*Again the hearts pop up.*
Yn: *reading comments* Taekook forever! *starts laughing hysterically*
Jk: *chuckles* Yeah, jealous much Yn? *makes a heart with tae*
V: *also smirks at her*
Yn: *looking back* Aani. Jiminssi, take care of your soulmate.
Jimin: *also comes into the frame* Let's make a heart Yn. *they make hearts with fingers*
V: *pushing Jimin away* That's enough for now.
Jimin: *shook* Yaaah! You can do it with jungkook and I can't do it with her?
V: It's not that.
Jimin: Then? Ah right, you are jealous that she posed with me. *triggered*
Jimin: *acting dramatic* did you forget that we are soulmates. *pushing him back like in dramas*
Yn: *talking to the camera, while they are bickering in the background* I feel like I'm fourth wheeling guys. Can you see the love triangle behind me?
Armys: Dieing of fun. They like it that they can relate to Yn and that she relates with them. They also like that she gives them the content they want.
V: *sits beside her again and makes a finger heart slyly*
Yn: What?
V: Do it. *talking in pout*
Yn: No
V: Wey? *wide eyes and pout*
Yn: Don't try to act cute and make me look like the rude one here. I know they (armys) have a soft corner for you.
V: *whining* Do it Ynnnnnn!
Jimin: Oh my god, I'm out of here. *walks away to set the table*
Jk: Me too *walks away*
Yn: Me three *gets up*
V: YAAHHH! *holding her hand*
Yn: *laughs* Aarasso, aarasso. I was just teasing you. *wraps her hand around his neck, hugging him from the back, while her face is beside his, facing the camera* *reading the comments again*
V: Where are the others? They are at our dorm. Probably resting. *Yn still hugging him*
Yn: *laughs at a comment* "Can you please stop it Yn? I'm dying of jealousy here.🥺"
Yn: Ah Bianeeeee! *laughing, loosening her hug* I'll leave your tae tae here.
V: *also laughs* *turns his head sideways looking at her* But I don't want you to let go of me.
Yn: *smacking him* Stop flirting. *blushing* *leaves*
V: *looks at the camera, also blushing* So, you don't have to be jealous anymore I guess. *smirks*
Armys POV: We love you guys. We don't mind even if we are jealous.

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