The Beginning of the End

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 "Hey guys sorry I was in there so long." Chloe chuckled.

"Are ok?" Alaska asked.

"Oh yeah it's just... shark week-" Chloe says

"Oooooh ok sorry" Jalya says.

"Nonono it's ok i actually-" Chloe was interrupted by a ringing coming from behind.

"Chloe.... What's coming from the bathroom-" Skyler asks.

"It's- nothing I don't know what that's coming from." Chloe Answers.

"I doubt that." Caden says and Skyler walks past Chloe into the bathroom.

"Guys you have to believe me- Calub will even back me up!" Chloe pleads.

"Believe you on what-" Acey asks.

"She had a phone!" Skyler said, walking out of the bathroom.

"What?!" Alaska said, walking up to Chloe and Skyler. "Where did you find it! Did you call the police?"

"Yeah I did. But you shouldn't sound so excited about it." Chloe answered.


"Well you two are the ones behind this, aren't you?"

"W-what are you talking about?" Skyler asks.

"Calub? Would you like to fill everyone in here." Chloe asked and everyone turned towards Calub.

"Well... we found- uh- we found three bloody jackets in Mrs.Kemps room- they had your names on them, plus Logans." Calub replied.

"We already saw that Logan was a Psycho so what about you two? And I think that you murdered Reid and Steven to keep your secret."

Skyler and Alaska exchange looks and burst out laughing. "You really think we would do something like that? Wooooow" Skyler said.

"Oh thank goodness- I didn't wanna believe that." Steph said, relieved.

"Nonononono! Their was way more reason behind killing Reid and Steven!" Alaska laughed and the room fell silent. "Oh you didn't suspect us? Common people it was obvious! It was the cliche, the killers take charge, situation!"

"SEE IT WASN'T ME! I TOLD YOU!" Chloe shouted.

"Oh yeah Chloe didn't do anything, just was just the easiest to pin it on." Skyler shrugged. "Speaking of Chloe-"

"What-" Chloe started but was interrupted by a knife at her throat.

"I swear to god if you actually called the police I will slit your throat here and let you bleed out on the ground too. Your. death." Alaska smiled.

"I- no i didn't call the police- i was bluffing..." Chloe was barely able to say.

"Why are you doing this!" Bergen screamed.

"Well why not?" Skyler answered. "We may not have a reason for each murder but whats not fun about killing people who have hurt you or your friends?"

"Anything is better than killing people-" Alaisa says.

"Well maybe for you guys, but we love it! The rush! The Pain you see people in! Everything is amazing!" Alaska said, jumping up and down.

"Why did you kill him." Chloe said.


"Why did you kill Bright?!" Chloe started crying. "Or Natalie! or Garin! Or Jude! Why did you kill all of them?!"

"Well we did it for the people standing in this room right now- you think it's coincidence that you're all still alive? No it's not. Chloe, we killed Bright and Natalie because they hurt you." Skyler kind of got lost in the moment.

"That's not helping Skyler! Y-you killed them! That's not going to justify anything!!" Hailyn yelled

"But it is! We are helping you! You are all idiots who don't realize that!" Alaska says.

"But-" Chloe starts

"Shut up." Alaska says, pressing the knife against her throat.

"Well what about the other people that you killed?" Jayla asks.

"I mean, Ladon and Hailyn were fighting, sooooo-" Skyler answers.

"THAT'S NOT A GOOD REASON!!" Hailyn yells and tries to get at the girls, but Bergen stops her.

"Eh your opinion~" Alaska replies.

"You two are insane.." Carly mutters.

"We know!!!" Alaska says.

"W-wait do you guys hear that?" Emmerson says.

In the distance the group hears sirens coming closer and closer while they stand there and listen.

"Is that.. Police sirens-" Steph asks.

"I asked you if you'd called the police Chloe," Alaska started. "And you lied to me. You know I don't like liars."

"I-i'm sorry but you were gonna kill me- i didn't want to die" Chloe said, crying.

"Well I guess for your honesty... your still gonna die~" Alaska says putting pressure on the knife.

"Wait- p-please don't kill me!" Chloe pleads but it was too late. Blood was dripping down her neck, she was gasping and grabbing her neck as she fell to the ground.

"C-Chloe!!" Acey screamed as the group ran towards her. "Stay with us!!"

"How could you!!!" Steph screamed at Alaska.

Bang...Bang...BANG is the noise they all heard as the doors in front of them came crashing down to reveal a dozen cops running in. They grabbed Chloe and took her to the ambulance and took Alaska and Skyler into custody. The rest of the kids ran out of the school. Some left, some got questioned, some stayed just to see what would happen next.

"H-hello Mr. Paramedic, sir? How's Chloe doing?" Bergen asked.

"Hm? Oh your friend? She lost too much blood, she's not gonna make it. I'm so sorry" The man in the ambulance said, then closing the door.

"What did he say?" Steph asked when Bergan walked back over to the group.

"She's not gonna make it.." Begen says, about to cry.

"Oh my god..." Casy says.


In a matter of days the school was back to somewhat normal, Memorials were placed at every locker, people asked lots of questions, and the kids that were a part of what happened still had to sit through one of the bored lectures that started the whole thing. But after school that day, one thing happened that they would never forget.


"When are we gonna get out of here." Alaska complains.

"They should be coming for us soon, that was the plan after all." Skyler assures her and as if it was right on que, a guard came into the room.

"Hey you two, you have a visitor." Said the Guard, who led them to the visitor area.

"Hey! Caden!" Alaska said as she sat down.

"Sorry i'm late, Mrs. Shatt had us stay late to talk about what happened." Caden complained.

"It's fine as long as you came." Skyler says

"So," Caden leans on the table, "What's the plan on busting you out of here?"

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