Reuniting (Chapter 2)

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"Flight 104 to London, England is now boarding.." I heard this coming from the speakers above my head. My eyes were still puffy and red from crying. Hannah and I got up, and walked to our plane. Hannah had been really quiet, and I could tell that she was upset about my mom also. She had been close to my mom just as much as I had, so it hurts her too. As I sat down, a flight attendent walked up to me.

"Would you like anything to eat or drinks today ma'am?" She asked.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm not really that hungry." I replied simpily. I should probably take a nap.. My eyes started to water just thinking about what has heppened in just one day. Maybe if I take a nap it will get mom off of my mind. My life is going to be so different from now on.. That was the last thing I thought before I drifted to sleep.


I woke up to the flight attendent telling me that we landed, and I had to wake up. I thanked her quietly and grabbed my stuff, walking off the plane. My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for my brother or one of the boys. They were probably discuised, so it was harder to find them. I spotted Zayns black hair with a blonde streak in it, he was really easy to find. He should've been discuised more, he should have a hat on or something. I walked over to them, giving Harry a hug. I had missed him so much, even though it had only been three months, it seemed like forever. I know that sometimes we fight, and sometimes I wish he wasn't so protective, but I still love him.

"Hey Meg." He said. It felt so good to finally hug him again.

"Hey Haz, I missed you so much." I said back, pulling away to give the other guys a hug.

"I MISSED YOU MEGHAN!" Louis screamed.

"Louis shut up were gonna get kicked out!" Liam scolded him.

"You know I can't control how excited I get Liam." Louis argued. Liam just ignored him. Zayn walked up to me and gave me a hug, telling me he missed me, as did Niall. I haven't seen these boys since last year, other than Harry. I missed them like crazy, they were like brothers to me.

We all got into the car, Louis driving, Liam in the passenger seat, Hannah behind Liam, Zayn to the right of Hannah, and I was next to Zayn. Harry and Niall were in the third row, talking to eachother. We all started laughing as What Makes You Beautiful came on the radio, and started singing at the top of our lungs. Oh how I missed these boys.


"Hey guys!" Louis said excitedly.

"Yes Lou?" I answered him.

"You know what we should play?!"


"Hide and seek!" He shouted.

"Okay, Liam and Niall are captains." Harry declared.

"I choose.. Meghan." Liam said. My heart started beating faster. I've had the biggest crush on him sice we met.

"Harry." Niall declared.

"Louis." Liam said.

"Hannah" Niall said.

"Zayn." Liam said

"Okay, so the teams are Liam, Meghan, me, and Zayn against Harry, Niall, and Hannah?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah!" Niall said excitedly.

"We want to hide first!" Liam said. "Go count." They all went to count.

"Okay. Meghan, go hide on the roof with Laim. They'll never find you there." Louis said.

"Me and Louis will go hide in the woods." Zayn said.

"Okay sounds good." Liam replied as we ran to the roof. We climed up and sat on the roof. It was beautiful. The sun was just setting and the sky was a pink and orange color. I've never seen a sunset that looked like this before.

"The sunset is so beautiful tonight." I said to Liam.

"I know. Meghan?"

"Yeah?" I asked

"I have something that I want to tell you." Liam said.

"Okay go ahead." I said. My heart was racing. What did he have to tell me?

"Meghan, I've really-"

"FOUND YOU!!!" Niall shouted at us. Darn it Niall you ruined it. We got down from the roof, walking inside. I was still curious as to what Liam had wanted to tell me.

I decided to make some supper for the guys, with Hannahs help. They probably wouldn't make it themselves so I guess that's our job. We got some pizza dough and tomato sauce, attempting to make our own pizza. Walking to the fridge, I grabbed the cheese and handed it to Hannah. She put it all over the pizza a.d put it in the oven.

"Dude, Zayns really hot." Hannah whispered to me.

"Awe, someone fancies Zayn do they now?" I teased.

"Maybe.." Hannah said looking down and smiling. I could tell she was blushing. We started whispering about the boys, making sure they couldn't hear us. After a while, the oven beeped, signaling that the pizza was ready.

"Boys dinner!" I yelled. They all came rushing in.

It didn't take them long to finish the pizza.. We should've made more but insted we ate chips. After doing the dishes, we were all stumped an what to do next.

"Hey, do you guys want to watch a movie?" Zayn asked us.

"Sure!" We all said at once.

"TOY STORY!" Liam shouted, running to get the movie.

"That kid and his Toy Story..." Harry mumbled. I sat next to Harry, because he wanted some bonding time I guess. All I know is that it felt great to be with him again.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2012 ⏰

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