metal band

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"hmmm. so I guess Im apart of a metal band." said todoroki "yup!" nia said

(todoroki: the girl with the pompoms)
(deku: the girl in the middle)
(bakugo: the guy in with the guitar)

"w-woah! I did that?" bakugo said with disbelief, "well in this au, yeah lmao" nia said with a smirk, todoroki put his hand on his neck while saying "I dont think I could yell like that, and if I could people would be scared of me or not want to make me angry", "and deku was pretty good to! For a voice like his hes pretty good at singing metal songs" ochako said with a smile, "but it isnt me! I cant sing, even if I could I wouldnt be able to scream like THAT" deku said "yeah but were moving on to the next multiverse!" nia said

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