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Roaming randomly through YouTube
Without anything in my mind,
I found them accidentally.
Curiosity killed the cat
But it's not in my case.
Not swayed just by their looks
But it was V's voice at the end
That made me shook,
Made me look back again,
Made me curious what all this is about,
Made me look at the title.
I found out it's called DNA.
It's not about the genes
But about love and destiny.
I came back once again
To look with subs
That's the wisest decision I took.
Again the lyrics made me shook.
Time passed on
But they remained in my mind
They made me look once again
With their achievements,
With their generosity,
With their love,
With their messages,
With their childish antics.
They may seem like a child
But they will make you get riled.
While I was at my worst,
I turned to them.
While I was at my best,
I still turned to them.
I finally found a comfort zone
In their songs.
I am still here looking at them.
Everything fades away
But not them.
They will remain forever
Etched deep within my mind.
Wishing them a happy journey
To widen their horizons,
To go further in life,
To achieve their dreams,
To spread happiness
And inspire others to do the same.

P.s. Don't forget to vote if you felt the same

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