Part seven | feeling of a anger and guilt

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~ Jesse Polock's Point of view ~

After leaving Chuck last night, I went straight home and tried to comparand the night we just had. I can't believe she is back; I am still kind of shocked she is back. It all feels like a movie, it's like seeing a ghost, one you have wanted to see but haven't as they have been gone from the face of the earth.

I still can't get my head around her having a son, is that why she left Bondi? Who is the dad? Is she still with him? I have so many more questions, but I know it isn't the right time to ask. Maybe Kerrbox knows some answers as they where talking at the pavilion last night and he is her godfather, he must know something.

I make the walk down to Bondi to set up the beach with Maxi, Kerrbox and Singlets/Trent. I can't wait for Chuck to come for lunch with me and to meet Sylvester, watching him yesterday he seems like such a cool dude. I wonder what he is like, I reckon he will be like Chuck only younger.

"Good morning kid." Kerrbox says as we open the tower

"Morning." I say

"Kids got a spring in his step, I wonder why." Singlet teases.

"I think it has something to do with a little girl named Chuck." Maxi teases.

"Shut up, we just caught up with each other." I say

"Huh, I know what that means." Maxi says

"Oh shut up." I say as I head down to the buggies with Kerrbox.

Kerrbox and I head out to put the flags up,

"Can I ask you something?" I ask

"Depends." He says

"Why didn't you tell me Chuck had a son?" I say

"That's for her to tell you not me." He says

"Is that why she left Bondi?" I ask

"Jesse, I think you need to ask Chucky these questions not me but not right now, she isn't in the right head space, she just needs a friend right now." He says

"I know." I say well kicking the sand.

"Just give it time and be the friend she needs." He says

"I will be, but I can't help but have these feelings of anger and guilt." I say

"Well let them go for now and just enjoy your time with her." He says as we head down to backpackers.

"She is coming down with Sylvester today." I say

"Well that's good, enjoy that little man." Kerrbox says like he is hiding something, I know he knows everything. Chucks father, Kerrbox and Hoppo are best friends, I know Yusuf would have told them everything, but I know they both wont break the trust with the Fox family for me.

~ Sylvester Fox's Point of view ~

"Its morning!" I yell and jump on the bed with mum next to me

"I know Sly." She grumps, I know mum hates waking up early sometimes, but she got home late last night with a guy. I was with my grandma and grandpa all night, they let me watch a movie before I went to bed. I am loving being in this place, I get to be with my grandparents all the time and meet mums' friends.

I do miss being in Hawaii with Kian and all my other friends but now I know what mum means when she said I will love it and its just like Hawaii.

"I want some breakfast." I say

"Okay, okay." She says as she gets up.

Mum makes me some Weetabix with honey and oat milk. She tells me the plans for the day, we are going down to the beach, but we are having lunch with her friend Jesse today. I wonder who Jesse is and if he works on the beach like Harrison.

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