Red flags 1

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constant manipulation and abuse of power over you.

For instance, you could confront the person you're dating about something they did or said that hurt you. Rather than listening to your concern and apologising, they will manipulate and flip the conversation, telling you all the things you've done to hurt and upset them. Not only that but they will make it seem like it was your fault they said it or did what they did.

This scenario shows signs of narcissism, and things only get worse the more time you spend together. They don't care about you and your concerns and they only care about themselves 24/7. They don't believe they are wrong about anything, they will constantly feel victimised and start accusing you of attacking them when you're just expressing your thoughts feelings about a situation.

After some time, you may will feel alone, constantly guilty, and you'll even doubt your own self-confidence and self-worth. We call these people Narcissistic. This is definitely a reason to distance yourself from the person you're dating, or even better just break it off with them straight away before it gets worse. It may be hard to do so but believe me it will be the best decision you make.

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