Lets end Happily

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Mew calls Gulf every night before going to bed. They share their day's experience, then sleep. Its like a daily habit.


It was about 10 pm at night. Mew was busy all day with his works. Now he decided to go to bed. He first called Gulf. He didn't pick up. He knew this would happen, because of his statement in the interview earlier. He has to explain Gulf. He again calls him. Gulf finally picked up on the third call.

Mew: Hello... Gulf.

Gulf: Why are you calling me?

Mew: Shouldn't I? I call you everyday.

Gulf: You don't need to call me anymore.

Mew: Why? You are my boyfriend. Why can't I call you?

Gulf: (smirking) Look who's talking!!!

Mew: Oh... Gulf, stop sulking. You know the reasons well na. We have discussed this before too.

Gulf: But why did you declare it? You could have just skipped the question by making any excuses, but you rather chose to answer it.

Mew: Umm... I know. Yes I could have done that. Sorry na Gulf. Please.

Gulf: I am not forgiving you.

Mew: Don't sulk anymore na.

Gulf: I am not sulking. I am a bit sad.

Mew too got sad because of Gulf's last sentence. He couldn't decide what he should do now.

Mew: Gulf, where are you now? I want to meet you. Are you at your condo. I will be there within ten minutes.

Saying this Mew quickly got up to grab the car keys but Gulf stopped him.

Gulf: pMew wait. You don't have to come to me.

Mew: Why Gulf? Are you still angry with me?

Gulf: No, you don't have to come because I am already here.

Mew: (surprised) Whatt!!! Are you really here? I can't believe.

Gulf: Yes. Almost. But I am still mad okay.

Mew: (smiles) I love you Gulf.

He then hangs up and runs towards the balcony. He saw a car coming down the road towards his home.

He ran downstairs to open the door. Gulf too in the meantime got off the car and walked towards the door. Mew smiled seeing Gulf.

Gulf: Don't smile.

Gulf then walks past the door into the house. He goes straight upstairs to Mew's room. He was acting as if it was his own house. Mew surprised followed his boyfriend. When Mew entered his room he saw Gulf sitting on the bed. He went and sat beside him.

Gulf: Why did you say that you are single? I feel offended.

Mew: I know Gulf. I am sorry. Its for our careers na. We can declare when the right time comes.

Gulf: (nods his head) Yes, I understand, but I can't wait more.

Mew: (smiles and fiddles Gulf's hair) I know. We should wait for the right time. And moreover it doesn't matter what the world thinks of us. The important thing is that we know we love each other and care for each other. Right??? Nothing else matters.

Gulf: (nodding his head) Yes I understand.

Saying this he walks towards the balcony. He holds the railings and stares up at the sky. Mew too walks towards him. He stood beside him and side hugged him. They stood there like that.

Mew: Gulf are you okay?

Gulf: Yes pMew. I am okay. Actually I was not angry on you because of the interview. After I saw your interview, I thought that why do we have to lie? Why do we have to hide? I don't want this. But then I came here and you explained to me. Now I am quite calm. Now I understand.

Mew: Everything will be fine. Don't worry. We will have our perfect life.

Gulf nods his head and takes a deep breath.

Mew: Now turn towards me.

Saying this Mew holds Gulf's shoulders and makes him turn face to face. Mew saw Gulf's eyes a little moist.

Mew: Heyyy, are you crying?

Gulf: No no. I am not crying.

Mew: Then what is this?

Gulf: I got a little emotional that's why maybe my eyes became moist.

Mew then wraps his hands around Gulf and gives him a hug. Gulf's body began to relax. He calmed down slowly. Then Gulf too raised his hands and hugged Mew. He closed his eyes and rested his head peacefully on Mew's shoulders.

After sometime they loosened their holds and raised their heads. Their faces were extremely close. They were looking at each other. Their eyes are filled with love.

Gulf: I love you pMew.

Hearing this Mew became soft. He slowly moved his face towards Gulf. Their lips met. They kissed each other at a very slow pace. They poured all their love and passion in it. They kept on sucking each other's lips. Then Mew moved his lips and gave a last kiss on Gulf's neck.

They are now standing face to face. True love is glistening in both their eyes. They are holding hands. Silently they promised to each other to stay like this forever.

Love Will Never Fade  (A MewGulf Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now