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Izuku's team has arrive at the objective point and they are ready to stop the war

"ready to jump" izuku said "yes sir" they said then the battleship aim at the Ghost army helicopter and they start firing "general heli 1 and 8 have been destroy" the pilot said "dodge the attacks and bring us close as you can" izuku said "yes sir" the pilot said the battleship repeatedly firing at them "general this is the close I can bring you" the pilot said "okay team r let's go" izuku jump from the helicopter and his team follow too

The battleship aim their machine gun at them and start firing at them but they dodge the bullets "disk destroy that machine gun" izuku said "yes sir" disk said (disk quirk=laser eye, he must aim first before shoot and he will become blind for a moment if use for too long) he look at the machine gun and shoot laser from his eye and the machine gun destroy "good job, disk" izuku said "thank you sir" disk said then they use jetpack to land safely on the ship

"our objective is to destroy the ship so here's the plan. Joker, ripper, onyx and ivar follow me the remaining follow kyle to capture the bomb, my team will take over the ship understand" izuku ask "yes sir" they said "if any of you see vulko, do not hesitate to kill him understand" izuku ask "yes sir" they said "alright let move" izuku said "yes sir" they said. Izuku's team go to the control room but 15 enemy fire at them "take cover" izuku said they cover themselves then izuku get up and start firing at them killing 3 of them then ivar get up and breath fire and burn 6 of them, the others dodge the fire then they shoot at the remaining enemy

They enter the control room and shoot everyone inside "onyx break the fire wall" izuku said "yes sir" onyx said "joker ripper watch the door" izuku said "yes sir" they said "general I have break the fire wall" onyx said "good job, ivar can you drive this battleship" izuku ask "35 years in Ghost, hell I do" ivar said and he drive the ship then the remaining team enter the control room "where are we going" iron ask "new orders there 4 battleship over the bridge and we must destroy it" izuku said "alright let's do it" joker said "I will take the turret" izuku said he got in the turret "general I see the battleship" ivar said "in position now" izuku said "yes sir" they said

Izuku aim the turret at the battleship "goodbye scum" izuku shoot but he miss it and the battleship shoot at izuku battleship, izuku shoot the battleship control room and destroy the one battleship "3 remains" izuku said then he shoot at the battleship destroy the ship turrets "indigo shoot the rocket at the control room, I must reload the turret first" izuku said "yes sir" indigo said, he go outside and aim at the control room and shoot it and the the control room destroy "good job indigo" izuku said then he shoot at the next ship "dammit I miss it" izuku said then he repeatedly shoot at the ship destroying anything on it "reload" izuku said "we out of rocket sir" disk said "damn" izuku said "what we gonna do now, the last ship will get away now" kyle said "ivar hit the ship" izuku said "what do you mean" ivar ask "we have run out of rocket so we use this ship instead" izuku said "yes sir" they said "full speed" ivar said

The ship speed up to hit the last battleship "ready for impact" izuku said then their ship hit the last battleship destroying half of the ship. "everyone good" izuku ask "yes sir" they said then a man came out from the control room "sir is that" ripper point at the man "its vulko" izuku said "disarm the bomb I take care of him" izuku said "yes sir" they said then izuku teleport to face vulko "ah the strongest Ghost soldier" vulko said  "surendder vulko" izuku said "surrender? Don't make me laugh" vulko said "then you will regret it" izuku said "you will die here" vulko said and his body grow spikes (he can grow spikes from any part of his body and can shoot it, if he grow spikes all over his body he will extremely pain and it takes 3 hour to recover) he shoot 3 spikes at izuku but he dodge the spikes and teleport in front of him and kick his stomach makjng he stumble backwards a bit then izuku teleport above him and slam his feet at him but vulko dodge it and grow long spikes at his hands and charge at izuku, he repeatedly stab him but izuku dodge the attacks and grab the spikes and break it in half "is that all" izuku said making vulko growl

He run at izuku and roundhouse kick at his head but izuku block the kick and punch his stomach then izuku grab his head and slam at the ground, vulko get up and repeatedly punch izuku but he block the punchs then he punch izuku stomach making he fly backwards then izuku launch crystal glacier at him but he dodge the glacier and shoot multiple spikes at izuku, izuku create crystal wall but one spike stab his shoulder making him grab his shoulder then vulko run at izuku and kick his head but izuku teleport behind him and kick his back then izuku teleport in front of him and uppercut him "you lose vulko" izuku said "really" vulko said then a helicopter come and shoot izuku but he create crystal wall "so long, suckers" vulko laugh and fly away then izuku launch crystal spikes at the helicopter instantly destroy it then his team arrive "where is vulko" kyle ask "he got away" izuku said "what we gonna do now" ivar ask "if that man still alive, the war will continue" izuku said they nod their head "listen to all Ghost soldiers, the war has begun" izuku said through communication radio

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