Part 1: The Arrival

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I haven't played a lot of the game so sorry if things aren't completely correct. But urm I don't own the game, ruvik, I don't own you either. I made mistakes. Don't we all. I'll update as possible as I can, and this first part may be kinda slow it's bad I know. Critism is welcome. Now let me stahp babbling and begin.

Your 25 years old. You get an order from your cheif to go check out a mental hospital. But you aren't alone, since it is such a mass case. You may be young but have experience because when you were in your teens your dad was a detective. You learned a lot from him. He's the reason your a detective now. Anywho you are on your way to said hospital with your commrades Sebastian Castellanos, Joseph Oda, and Julie Kidman. You stared out the wet foggy window  pondering what could've happend since most of the things were just theories. You finally arrived at Beacon Mental Hospital. It's looks old and kind of abandoned. Besides all of the police cars...but they were empty too. You noticed it was raining harder than earlier, so you sped up to get inside. You andJoseph made it to the door first waiting for  Sebastian and Kidman. Mostly because Sebastian kinda gave all the orders but you waited. He finally came to the door. Joseph and him cracked it open slighty. Joseph made a comment that it smelled like blood as they fully opened the huge double doors. The wind that flew past you as they did reeked of blood. The stench made your nostrils burn. Sebastian ordered Kidman to stay there and be you guys backup. You pulled out your gun and slowly made your way in. The place was covered in dead bodies and fresh blood. The bodies were in all different positions scattered around the front lobby. You all heard a little noise coming from a room. You immediately ran to the noise in hope that someone was left alive. To your surprise it happened to be a doctor. He looked sickly and mumbled something along the lines of "Can't be real...Ruvik is". Which confused you but considering the situation it didn't phase you. Joseph rushed over there with Sebastian behind him. Joseph said that he would take care of the man, also suggesting you and Sebastian should check the security cameras in hope of finding some answers. You looked over at the screen and moved closer as you saw three policeman shooting at something while running. They all were cornered as a man in a battered cloak appeared. The bullets seemed to have no effect on him. He sliced all their necks with ease.He stared into the camera for a moment  smirking. Like he knew you had been looking the whole time. It creeped you out a lot... he oddly seemed very familiar. But after a second more of his staring, he vanished. He appeared behind you and the last thing you remember seeing was his hand raised above you. When you finally awake your vision is a little hazy. You can't really tell where you are but you know your upside down. Your vision finally clears up amd you realize your in some kind of meat locker. There are dead bodies hanging around you at every turn. You panick but try not to show it in fear, because you see this weird huge guy. Like he's fucking terrifying. He's cutting up something you can't see out of your periphial. But Finally he walks away holding a half a body. You try to look around the best you can for an escape. Luckly one of the bodies in front of you had a blade stuck in it. You lunged forward a couple times, swung your arm, and pulled put the blade. You quickly cut yourself down, falling to the floor with a thud.

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