Chapter 1: They Hate Me

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Author Note: A FanFic about Connor Franta inspired me to write this. Thanks! It is a story that resembles it, but it is about Trevor and not Connor. Thanks for reading and remember to vote, read, comment, share, and add to your library!! This is on my laptop, so there will be a picture as the part's cover soon!! TTYL and there will be an author note at the end of this chapter! :) -Also remember this is fake and O2L is actually GREAT AND AWESOME!! 

Chapter 1: They Hate Me

"Just go away Lexi!! You suck!! You don't need to be in this world!" Kian yells to me as I dash up the stairs away from the boys.  My brother Connor and his friends Kian, Ricky, Jc, Trevor, and Sam HATE me and are always picking on me! Trevor mainly just stands there with his head down, but he still allows it.... 

I dash up the stairs and run into my bedroom. I quickly lock the door and run to my bed. I grab my phone and see texts from people saying, You Suck! Go die! I hate you and so does everyone else! I am heartbroken at these comments, but I always seem to move on slowly. I hear yelling and laughing downstairs! Ughhh.. Why can't they just go home sometimes? I lay on my bed crying and then I suddenly just drift off to sleep. I wake up later on and I look out my window to the boys' cars still out there, so I stay in my room. Why do they hate me? They see me cry, but they don't care! I'm depressed, sad, heartbroken, and everything else that describes me in the dictionary!

After an hour they finally leave and I go downstairs. I see Connor on the couch on his phone (as always). I walk to the kitchen and grab a snack and a pepsi. 

"Why are you down here? Your home is not in the kitchen especially since you are so fat!" Connor says to me as I walk up the stairs. I don't even respond. Tears run down my face as I walk into the bedroom. I set the snack down and I decide to take a shower. I get out and decide to go to bed at 9pm. I hear Connor go to bed about 10 and I cringe when I hear footsteps near my door. I thought he was gonna knock, but he didn't and he just turned around and left. Tomorrow is the first day of summer break tomorrow which means a summer of HATE AGAIN! GREAT! 

Author Note: Sorry if it sucks and it is short! I am sorry! This is only my second FanFic, so I am still trying.. Bye there will be another update soon! TTYL!! :)

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