Hush now darling, don't shed a tear
The pain will be gone soon, so have no fear.
Never looking back, never giving in.
These are the ways to always win.
Hush now darling, have no fear
Your angel will always be near.
Guiding you to broad daylight,
Remember, nightmars dont always come at night.
Hush now darling, I am here
I will always help your mind stay clear.
I will show you colours of all different hues,
Red and white, black's and blues.
Just never try to let me go
This is something you should know:
I am the demon hiding under your bed,
And I am the nightmare singing in your head.
You could never live without me.
I think it's time that you see.
Nobody loves you, you are alone.
I am the only friend you've ever known.
Want to hear a scary thought?
I'm the only friend you've got.