☀️Get set to get wet☀️

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It was just an ordinary summer day in New York City. The sun was shining bright,warming up the busy streets of the city that never sleep, almost melting the whole town due to its hotness, as people were trying to escape from the heat into pleasant cold of the shadows.

Same thing was what you,April and your turtle friends were doing hidden in coziness of your home while watching TV until suddenly idea that April though of decided to cool down things even more

"Hey guys, what do you think that we hit pool on this burning hot day?" she suggested making everyone turn their attention from the TV towards her.

Mikey immediately jumped up excited liking the idea "Oh yeah boi! That sounds like an awesome idea April!" he wanted to hug her from happiness,but the oldest turtle stopped him with serious tone "Hold up Mikey, don't you remember?" he looked at his brother thinking of Mikey to understand what he wanted to say,but the youngest one was just left confused by Leo's question.
Mikey's confusion made Raph facepalm "We're mutants idiot- how are we supposed to go on a pool where people could be?!" he nearly shouted fast getting frustrated.

You understood why Leo and Raph didn't agree to the idea almost immediately as Mikey,however, you couldn't help but Donnie holding down his excitement to agree with April's idea.

'Of course,he liked April and he would do anything to spend more time with her...

...if only he could notice others around him,beside just her-'

Gently placing hand on Raph's shoulder you tried to calm him down "Calm down Raph, I'm sure April would never put your secret in danger. We both promise to keep your existence a secret,you know that,right?" you asked in calm tone,which surprisingly to others really did calm down Raph as once annoyed red masked turtle nodded in response

April nodded as well "Yeah,beside you didn't even let me explain. I got part-job and there's the pool on the rooftop of the building where I work-" April started explaining while she was taking out something from her pocket "And guess what the owner had left-" she smirked showing what was in her pocket.

It was- a key

"We have one chance to try out a pool and spend one crazy night without anyone finding out"

Mikey's excitement raised even more,thinking how everything was just perfect. Even Donnie and Raph were convinced how idea now felt safe and fun. However,yet again,Leo wasn't as convinced "I don't know April, it sounds risky-" he started as Mikey interrupted his older brother "Oh c'mon Leo,pleaseeee-" the youngest one looked at Leo with those adorable baby blue eyes sparkling as he begged for his agreement.

Looking away not to fall for his cute eyes Leo shook head "Not gonna work this time Mikey-"
"Really?" Mikey sighed disappointed with Leo remaining on his decision,but Mikey had another trick beside puppy eyes in his shell

"C'mon dude,you'll get to see (Y/N) in swimsuit. Can't miss that chance, right?" he asked with a smirk

Blushing madly,redder than Raph's mask,you and Leo looked at each other before you looked away. You were left speechless,quite shell-shocked by Mikey's sudden words, while your cheeks burned. It was feeling so awkward,but in good kind of way.

"MIKEY-" The leader shouted at childish turtle as no matter how hard he tried to remain cool and cold headed,his face was devil red blushing mess "Fine we will go,but only cuz I can't say no to Mikey's puppy eyes" Leo tried to find out a excuse,but everyone just laughed teasingly "Sureee-"

"Speaking of swimsuits" April smirked looking towards you "Want are you gonna wear (Y/N)?" she asked. "Come, I'll show you-" You took April's hand pulling her in your room. Once you were in you fast closed the doors, breathing out to calm down your strawberry red cheeks.

April just giggled "I can't see difference between your face and Raph's mask" "Please, I'm done with the jokes-" you sighed opening up the closet to take out (your/favorite/color) swimsuit,showing it to April "What about this one?"
April gave you thumbs up saying "It's so cute! I'm gonna wear new purple one I bought to surprise others by not wearing only yellow". Like Mikey's  statement  wasn't enough,now April was surprising you as well.

Although you weren't sure if it was a pleasant surprise or not.

'Purple color...I wonder if the choice of the color was coincidental ...'

You shook of the feeling of what people might call jealousy with a smile "Seems like Mikey isn't the only one full of surprises tonight" "The night is just about to start" April winked going for bathroom to change,giving you enough privacy to get yourself ready for the night

'Indeed the night is still young and it's gonna be a long one'

Once you got dressed and packed few towels you and turtles were about to head to the pool. Just then another little problem appeared. You weren't as trained kunoichi to jump across such high rooftops. Looking down the streets you realized how high it was as your hesitation to make a first jump was noticeable.

"(Y/N) everything okay?" Leo's voice made you look away from the streets. You rubbed your arm chuckling nervously "Well...I-I I'm still kind of scared of jumping across the high rooftops-" you admitted,keeping you head up not wanting to look back down.

"Oh I can carry her" Mikey suggested with Raph disagreeing immediately "No way,you will drop her- I'm the strongest one, I should carry her-" the argue almost started between the two brothers,Leo joining in failed attempt to give a solution by saying "I'm leader I decide who will carry who-".

Both of you and April did an eyeroll,even tho you still felt guilt for causing this all

"Children,children-" Donnie's calm voice spoke "I think you should listen to the smart one here,because I always have a solution" the tall purple said with little evil looking grin on his face which he tried his best to hide "And what is it,oh genius-" Raph crossed arms asking "I'm glad you asked Raphael-" Donnie didn't say anything else as smirk appeared on his face.

In blink of an eye, you felt two string large arms picking you up bride style. Your legs weren't touching the floor anymore,feeling like you were flying as you head leaned onto someone's chest.

Looking up you realized it was Donnie who picked you up and started jumping across the rooftops with you in his strong,yet soft embrace. Your cheeks turned red once again, feeling that strange feeling in your chest yet again,but this time you decided to lean into the feeling instead of looking away.

Other turtles were catching up fast behind you and Donnie.

Mikey wasn't as happy as he wished he was the one giving you the piggy ride on his shell as Leo didn't seem any happier seeing you in Donnie's arms.

However,Raph seemed to give the deadliest glare towards Donnie while he was helping April to jump across the rooftops

'You took my girl, so I'll take yours' words that could describe Raph's glare towards Donnie

Once you all came up the rooftop, Donnie placed you down before others jumped down as well. Your eyes widen in amazement looking how big the pool was.

"Woah,April,this is amazing!" Donnie exclaimed in pure amazement same as you. Mikey couldn't resist anymore he rushed to jump into the pool

With a smile you thanked Donnie for a ride making him blush shyly as he said it really wasn't a big deal to him,but it surely will be a big one to deal with Leo and Raph looking at the purple bandana turtle with their arms crossed. What's more,they weren't the only one having their arms crossed. With the corner of your eye you could see April scowl at Donnie. You decide to shake all the drama off and take a leap into the cool refreshing pool.

'Maybe jumping across the rooftops might not be my thing,one thing for sure,jumping into pool is my thing'

"Hey guys, watch this!" you shouted to get everyone's attention.With a smirk on your face you jumped up high, managing to make a front flip before hitting the water.

It made a big slash,but something felt weird as you emerged up the surface.

Your eyes widen seeing the top of your swimsuit floating in pool instead being on you...

        End of chapter 1

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