gn bathroom counter

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POV Anna:

Once we're back at the hotel we drag our sleepy bodies through the lobby and into the elevator. We both reach for the glowing button for the floor where our empty room awaits us. AG's fingers linger on my hand and her touch wakes me up with excitement. Our eyes meet for a brief moment and I can feel color rushing into my cheeks at the thought of AG knowing what was rushing through my head right now. She smirks and takes my hand, pulling me closer to her as the floor numbers at the top of the elevator count higher and higher. She pulls me closer until there's no space left between us. My stomach does flips as she kisses me. The loud ding of the elevator interrupts us and we grab our things and start walking towards our room. I reach in my pocket for our key card and as soon as we enter the room we drop our bags next to the door. AG puts her hand in the small of my back and pushes me against the door as it clicks shut.


I can't believe after all those nights when I thought about being alone with Anna, it was finally becoming a reality. One of my hands is in Anna's hair and the other on waist before I slowly move it down towards her butt. My whole body is warm and buzzing as I kiss her. Our lips and tongues move in a perfect rhythm and it feels so natural. I pull away and look into her eyes lustfully as I brush my thumb against her bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before I lean back in and kiss her parted mouth. We break apart after a couple minutes and her lips are pink and a little swollen. "We should shower before bed," I say. "Mhm," she nods and pulls me by the hand towards the bathroom. On the way I grab the speaker out of my backpack and turn on some music. Anna pulls me in the bathroom and shuts the door. Once in the bathroom I pick her up and put her on the counter next to the sink. She wraps her legs around my waist and holds the back of my head and my neck as she pulls me in to meet her lips. As my tongue slides gingerly into her mouth I slide my hands up her shirt and run my fingers from the bottom of her rib cage down the waist band of her shorts. She lets out a small moan into my ear, gripping my hair tighter as I kiss under her sharp jawline, trailing down her neck and to her collarbone. She tugs at my shirt signalling for it to come off. Anna jumps off the counter and rushes to turn on the shower, before pulling me into the tub. This night is far better than I could ever have imagined and Anna whispers into my ear, "I never want this night to end."

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