(Beat. Apotos Night. Sonic Unleashed.)
(Establishing shot of town)
(An old man camel walks around an anvil he starts working on tools. Behind him is a rack holding coal and other minerals that he will sell. A raccoon steals a hammer that was hanging from the rack. a mother Kangaroo that lives across the street on the hill hangs her laundry with the help of her son. Her Baby girl sits in the stroller nearby. The daddy kangaroo has a Hero Chao on his head the baby hugs a Chao in space plush a NiGHTS Chao sits by the stroller sleeping. A cow and Alexander walk from the right with their hands intertwined a human old man walks from the left with a little girl on his shoulders and a dog following. on the hill next to the Kangaroos house there is a tower with two Jackals on top their both asleep when they should be guarding the town. Nearby on a bench there's a man asleep surrounded by empty Chao Cola bottles. There is smoke in the distance. it zooms into the window of Jackal HQ it fades to the inside
Zero his friends Gadget, Alex, Bob, Laura, Spike Galaxy, Rocky and Bandit. Their laughing and having a good time. Alex is standing on the coffee table telling a story)
(Gadget’s little brother Buddy enters the room)
ALEX: and then I-
BUDDY: Gadget!
GADGET: what’s up little bro?
BUDDY: Mama says she wants you to come home and help her pack
GADGET: alright (stands up) I have to go
(Buddy leaves)
ALEX: aw c'mon Gadget I haven’t even finished with my story yet! you’re Mama can wait can’t she?
GADGET: sorry.. You’ll have to finish it next time we meet
ALEX: next time? But the train only comes out ‘ere once a month and that’s like a super long time!
Gadget: exactly the reason I have to finish packing.
BOB: it's okay we're already three days away from next month
GADGET: I'm only gonna be gone for three weeks
ALEX: (jumps down from the table and hugs him and starts purring) three weeks!? How is it possible to wait that long! (When Gadget blushes Alex let's go as they Iook at each other. Long pause. They break eye contact.
ZERO: I’ll miss you so much lil’ bro-
ALEX: me too! I'll have to write my story down in order to remember the ending.
LAURA: I hope you have fun with your family.
GADGET: thanks, bye guys! (he waves as he exits)
(everyone relaxes as they sit down, an explosion is heard from outside and everyone sits up)
ZERO: everything okay out there? (he looks out the window at fire)
Alex: Gadget? (runs outside followed by Galaxy) Fire!
(everyone stands up. Outside)
(End Beat.)
(Beat. Fighting Onward. Sonic Forces.)
ZERO: Jackal Squad, into action!
(they run outside and see the fire, Gadget is hugging Buddy on the side of the road)
GADGET: Buddy, hurry to the train I'll-
BUDDY: I wanna stay and help!
GADGET: when you get to the train pay attention to everyone who boards so we can make sure everyone's safe (he lets go of Buddy, Buddy runs towards the train station) Alex and Bob find anyone who needs help and bring them to the train!
Project Zero Sonic Pilot
FanfictionTwo best friends, Gadget and Zero peacefully live in an isolated village in the dessert as heroes of this village the two started a team known a the Jackal Squad despite not being fully made of Jackals they couldn't find a better name. Eggman with h...