Before It's Too Late

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AN: This is the first one-shot in this book! It's an Oralie/Kenric one-shot! Spoiler for Book 1 to 3. Happened after the planting for Kenric.

Short Summary: Oralie knows she couldn't date anyone being a councilor and all. But she wishes that the rule could be erased. She couldn't help but fall in love with the red hair and blue eyes boy that lives next to her. Kenric, the councilor that is likable by everyone.

Before It's Too Late

I stared at the picture of Kenric in my hand. His eyes were joyful and playful as he looked at me. I was standing next to him in the picture, my blonde hair glowing gold in the sunlight as the warm wind blew. My azure blue eyes lighting up as I watched Kenric. The picture was drawn by Kenric himself.

It was one of the days where the councilor got one day off to do whatever they want. I had gone with Kenric to a beach in the Lost Cities. It's technically illegal but we're counselor, right?

It was a day I would never forget. It was from that day on did I realize I love him. I wipe another tear away from my eyes. I still remember when I first talked to Kenric, it was a little awkward but still sweet.

I just went out of my pink castle when I crashed into someone. We both fell to the ground, I landed on top of the other person. When I saw the red hair, I knew it was Kenric. I quickly got off him, blushing hard.

"Sorry," we apologized at the same time. He smiled at me softly before handing me a box.

"Hi, Oralie," he started. "I just realize we never talk before so I thought we could change that now."

I smiled at him sweetly. "Yeah, we could. And we're talking now aren't we?"

He laughed. "Of course we are. Oh, and there's mallow melt in the box. I heard that's your favorite."

I blushed again before replying shyly. "And where did you heard that?"

"I've been studying you for a while," Kenric said before blushing almost as red as his hair. I blushed as well. I guess I was expecting it. I caught him staring at me before, I just ignore it.

"Thanks for the mallow melt," I said instead, deciding to ignore the studying part.

"Your welcome," he said while smiling brightly. He shifts nervously before saying. "If you ever need anything, you know where to find me."

He gave me another smile before he disappeared again, leaving me standing at the doorway, wondering what happened.

I smiled at that memory before picking up another drawing, tracing the outline with my fingers. I have many wishes but right now, I wish that I realize that I love him before it was too late. I wish we could have acted on it.

Kenric suggested leaving the council before, but we both decided that we need to help our world so the suggestion was long forgotten. We did date in secret for a few months before he died. In fact, I remember that he said he would show me something today.

I wish I could know what it was. We both know one of us might die because we need to save our people but we never knew it would be so soon. I sighed again before another flashback pulled me in.

"Stop," I giggle as Kenric splashed me with water, soaking my white dress. He laughed before shooking his head and splashing in another handful of water.

We were on the beach that day, in the Forbidden City. But we could care less, we were having fun. "Make me."

I huffed before splashing him with water as well. He gasped dramatically before he splashed me again and dived into the water, swimming away from the shore. I sighed and shook my head before swimming after him.

"Come back here!" I shouted as I chased after him, swimming faster than I had ever swim before. Suddenly, I stopped, noticing that he wasn't here anymore.

I looked around with worry before suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my eyes. "Surprise!"

I glared at him. "Don't scare me like that again!"

"Never!" He said with a fake glare before laughing at my expression and pulling my hand. We swam back to the shore together.

We dried off as we lay on the sand, the sound of the wave becoming our music. Suddenly, he turned toward me with a bright smile.

"I have something I want to show you," he told me. I nodded and stood up. We cleaned our up our spot in the sand before he held out his hand for me to take.

I'm pretty sure I was blushing but I took his hands anyway and he leads me to a cliff, overlooking the sea, the sunset in the distance.

In front of us, lay a picnic blanket and a basket full of my favorite food. My smile was as bright as the star when Kenric sat down, and I sat down beside him. I turned toward him.

"This is great!" I told him. "This is a perfect spot."

"I knew you'll like it!" He exclaimed with delight. I just smiled and took a mallow melt out of the basket.

"Don't eat all of it," Kenric teased. "Be sure to leave some for me."

I rolled my eyes. "I will. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried," Kenric told me before taking two mallow melt, one in each hand. I glared at him and he shrugs.

"I'm hungry," he protested. I rolled my eyes again and sighed.

"What's with boys and their stomachs?"

"Nothing," Kenric said, his mouth full of food.

I rolled my eyes, something I've been doing a lot right now. "You sure?"

"Yes," he replied before he swallowed the food and wipe his mouth with a napkin. I took another bite on my first mallow melt, watching Kenric the whole time. I was about to take another bite when Kenric took the mallow melt out of my hand and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Hey!" I protested. "I was going to eat that!"

"Not anymore," Kenric smirk. "It's mine now."

I huffed and crossed my arms, turning my back on him. He sighed before handing me another mallow melt. "Happy now?"

"Yes," I replied happily before giving him a hug. "Thanks!"

"Your welcome," he answered. We fell into silence after that, listening to the wave splash against the rocks.

A moment later, Kenric spoke up. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure," I replied, tilting my head at him, wondering what on Earth will he want to tell me. I mean there are many things he could have told me but I wasn't expecting what he said next.

"I love you," he finally said after a long silence. I tried to look at him but he turned his head away from me. I put my hand on his cheek, slowly turning his head so he was looking at me. Without warning, I kissed him softly on the lip.

He responds immediately. "I love you too," I finally said when we pulled away.

For the rest of the night, we sat there, holding each other, lost in our own world.

I touched my lip, remembering his soft lip on mine. That was my first kiss. I never kissed anyone before him. When I was still in school, I was known for shutting down boys before they even open their mouths. Not many boys like to talk to me for that reason.

So you could clearly see why I was surprised when he kissed me. He was the first boy beside my father that I have to open up to. I sighed again. I really wish that we have just left the council so we could have our happy ending.

I wish Kenric didn't have to be so brave and pushed us out of the fire. I wished he could have just escaped.

I wish that we could have more time together. I have many wishes but now they are all ruin because of the Neverseen. I hate them with all my gut. I just want to punch them to the next decade.

I have many wishes, and I regret not trying to achieve it before it was too late.

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