Chapter 7

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Shoto : "wakes up" Izuku wake up we have school. "gets out of bed"

Izuku : "wakes up" Okay Shoto. "gets out of bed and goes down stairs"

Inko : Morning Izuku.

Izuku : Morning Mom.

Shoto : Morning Inko.

Inko : Morning Shoto you too better hurry and eat before your late.

Izuku : Okay Mom.

"After They All Eat"

Izuku : Bye Mom.

Shoto : Bye Inko.

Inko : Good bye guys.

"20 Minutes Later"

Iida : Todoroki, Midoriya over here.

Izuku : Morning Iida.

Shoto : Morning.

Iida : Morning did you guys here about the lady that's coming in our class today?

Izuku : No I didn't.

Shoto : Me either.

Iida : Apparently were learning something different today come on.

Izuku and Shoto : Okay "follows Iida to class"

Iida : Lets get in our sits.

Izuku : Okay "sits in his desk"

Aizawa : Today you can sit anywhere in class.

Izuku : "Gets excited" Looks at Shoto. "waves him over"

Shoto : "walks over to Izuku and sits beside him"

Shoto : Hey what do you think we are learning about Izuku?

Izuku : I don't know.

Aizawa : Okay everyone we have a visitor and a helper please welcome Ms Neko.

Ms Neko : "comes in with ears and a tail" Hello everyone.

Izuku : "scared and surprised"

Everyone : Hello Ms Neko!

Jiro : What are you?

Ms Neko : Oh I'm a Neko

Kirishima : What's a Neko?

Ms Neko : A Neko is a human cat.

Momo : So your like a hybrid?

Ms Neko : Kind of and Mr Aizawa I can sense a Neko in your class.

Aizawa : Really?

Ms Neko : Yes and I have one of my best friends with me today to explain to your class the different kinds of Neko's please welcome my friend Inko.

Everyone : Inko?

Inko : "walks in with her ears and tail out" Hello everyone.

Everyone : Ms Midoriya!?

Izuku : "gets up" Mom!

Inko : "surprised" Izuku I didn't know you were in this class?

Ms Neko : Who is that Inko?

Inko : My son Izuku, Izuku come here please.

"Everyone Looks At Him"

Izuku : "runs to his Mom" What are you doing here?

Inko : Izuku baby I'm sorry that I have to do this. "puts Izuku's collar on him and pets him and makes his ears and tail come out"

Izuku : MOM! NO!

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