❧ 9 ❧

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Jungkook had gotten a few assignments as he cleans his sniper putting ammo since he's been a bit caught up so he finds their location putting the earpiece in his ear wearing everything black then decides to go

He was hidden while the target was meeting with someone as his hair was parted away from his face to not miss his shot he sees through the rear view seeing they were exchanging drugs

" No wonder boss wanted me to get rid of them.. "

Jungkook aimed for his head as he took the shot and killed him instantly moving his hair from his face he was a little unfocused holding the sniper

He finished one heading to the other one undetected as he hid on top of a rooftop he sees his other target was in the building seeing he was hiding in the alleyway seeing in the abandoned building seeing his target but someone else he knew confused

" Taehyung.. "

He overhears their conversation holding his sniper as he stood on guard just in case if something were to happen so he watched

" Mr. Kim.. No I'm wrong.. Kim Taehyung.. Wrong again.. V " He says circling around him

Taehyung had a cold look on his face as he watched him without moving his head he threw glares as he slams his drug merchandise on his table

" Take it, V or else you're gonna cause trouble for yourself and others "

Jungkook's mind
' V?! Taehyung is V?! The most dangerous gang leader! The most scariest gangster.. "

" I won't take shit from you just for you to profit for my company "

He pulls the gun on taehyung's face as jungkook flinched grabbing his sniper until taehyung moved the gun to his throat making a cocky smirk

" What's with the smirk? "

" If you kill me, there's no point my members will come kill you "

Jungkook had to urge to protect him he had seen the door to the abandoned building how was he gonna protect him if he can't be seen by taehyung

He covers himself with his hood going inside the building as his face was covered he points his sniper to the one who was pointing the gun to taehyung

" DUCK DOWN! " Jungkook says as he disguised his voice

They both look at the hooded stranger as taehyung knocks the gun from his hand grabbing his arm pulling it behind his back

" Use this! " jungkook says sliding the blade over to him

Taehyung catches it as he sliced his neck killing him instantly as he bled out the enemy's members grabbed jungkook having a blade to his neck until the older shoots them killing them

They breathe heavily as jungkook grabbed his sniper about to leave until taehyung stopped him

" and you are? "

" none of your business.. "

" Yet I'd like to know who you are "

" That's for me to know and you to never find out.. "

" Oh yeah? Who are you exactly? "

Jungkook stood quiet as he grabbed his sniper leaving taehyung could recognize him quickly smirking but was confused over why he had a sniper

Jungkook then went home breathing heavily knowing that was close he gets in the shower then washed the blood from his hands

He wore an oversized sweatshirt as he laid back holding his knees knowing he might've known but hoped he didn't say anything

" Fuck.. I got him I just shouldn't have been so careless.. "

The younger hears a knock as he hid his sniper then goes to the door seeing taehyung holding the door

" Hello Taehyung.. "

" let's cut the formalities shall we? "

" Okay then is there a reason you're here in the first place? "

" I know that was you "

" I don't know what you're talking about "

" Is that so? "

" Yes you must be delusional "

Taehyung noticed the sniper grabbing it as jungkook flinched knowing he had a grin on his face

" Isn't this the same sniper? "

" Will you knock it off?! Besides, I don't feel like I owe you an explanation "

" No I don't care hardly but how much did you exactly hear? "

" You're V.. Hmph.. I thought he'd be more scarier "

" Let's make a little deal. Just so I don't kill you and I don't want to kill you "

" I'm listening "

" You hide my secret and I won't kill you "

" I wasn't gonna say anything anyway besides I'm not the type of person to expose people "

" Why do you have a sniper anyway? "

" I like to shoot random objects and I like the feel of the weapon.. It was just one exception since you were in danger "

" I could've handled that and is this your first time killing someone? "

" Yes "

" I see "

" Don't worry I won't tell anyone just " Jungkook starts laughing falling off his couch

" What's so funny? "

" Why is your gangster name V?! Does it stand for virginity? "

" Oh you're clearly enjoying this "

" Just a little "

" You're really such a child "

" I'm twenty two I'm not a child "

" So, if you reveal my identity I won't hesitate to kill you "

" I got it trust me I don't expose people that's just how I am "

" Good but this also doesn't change anything between us.. "

" Was it supposed to? "

" No of course not "

Jungkook raised an eyebrow confused as hell then taehyung leaves the younger chuckles softly laying back feeling his heart race looking away blushing

" What the hell? "

The younger looked away hugging a pillow as he sighs knowing he wasn't gonna say anything about him but he now wanted to be with him all the time he hardly felt this way with anyone shaking his head

" This doesn't change anything between us sure he's a gangster.. But I'm glad he didn't find out about me.. He'd kill me right on the spot too.. Especially since he's the enemy of my boss.. I'll just keep this safe I won't tell anyone.. "

Taehyung was at work smiling to himself knowing he teased him then hears knocks as his smile fades seeing hoseok and jimin come in

" Boss, we've been following the drug lord who's been adding drugs almost like a mole in your company.. It's really annoying "

" We can easily get rid of them "

" Hoseok, you know what to do. Jimin prepare the room "

They both say as they leave
Yes boss!

Taehyung cracks his knuckles loosening his tie as his veins popped out his arms growling angrily

" How troublesome.. " Taehyung says in his deep scary voice


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