[quotes 4 bio]

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quality over quantity & mind over matter

love is a beautiful kind of fear

I want to know what I love you means

I am > I was


truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution.

we eat our words

[song quotes]

I'll use you as a focal point, so I don't lose sight of what I want

I look at you and dream

if we were meant to be we would've been by now

it's better to of loved than lost than never to have loved at all

do you, do you feel the same way?

do what you're doing

but I mean jape to tell you, that I love you

the lane I travel feels alone

to hold on, though the roads long


(Mind over matter) the use of willpower to overcome physical problems

(Jape) a practical joke

(quality over quantity) having the best or perceived best of something rather than a lot of cheap or less valuable versions.

more to come soon!

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